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  • 网络英国电影协会;英国电影学会;波罗的海运价指数;车架一体化结构;英国电影学院
  1. In nano-scale , the interfacial layered structures were observed on TEM bright field images ( bfi ) and dark field images ( dfi ) .


  2. The Study on BFI and Suggestions to China 's Freight Index


  3. Application of Computerized Base-Flow Separation Method with BFI Program in Mountainous Areas


  4. Application of neural networks in forecasting BFI


  5. In order to evaluate the performance of aerobic filter conveniently , an index BFI is put forward .


  6. BFI utilizes the basic principle that the human eye needs to be " reset " regularly .


  7. Then the seasonal index of every month is obtained by using the statistics tool to analyze the seasonal fluctuation of BFI .


  8. The analysis result proves that the ARMA forecasting model can forecast the BFI well , especially in the case of one-step forecasting .


  9. BFI fluctuates violently and gets out of trend for being influenced by many factors , which bring huge risk and opportunity for operators in market .


  10. Then BFI 's generation , development , algorithmic method and historical march have been analyzed , and its character also has been completely introduced and analyzed in the thesis .


  11. Among them , The Yellow Earth won the 1985 British Movie Institute ( BFI ) award for the most original and imaginative movie ;


  12. The BFI index is the foundation of the BIFFEX contract , but was substituted by BDI in 1999 .


  13. Katie Ellen with the BFI is leading a thirteen-member delegation from the U.K. film industry to this year 's film festival in Beijing .


  14. From the forecasted results , that thought can realize better to grasp the development trend of BFI , the errors between forecasted and real results are held under 4 % .


  15. The event will feature the first British Chinese Film and Television Summit , which is being supported by China Film Co-Production Corporation and run in partnership with the BFI .


  16. Comparisons show that the results of all three types methods are not very different , the results also indices that the digital filters provide a more stable estimation of BFI ( base flow index ) .


  17. The critical values of the ER / PC , the ratio of energy and BFI for predicting capping and lamination were 1.5,15 % and 0.5 in experiments .


  18. The fluctuation nature and forecasting model of Baltic freight index ( BFI ) are researched . Firstly the power function model is proved to match the long-term fluctuation of BFI through analysis of the tendency .


  19. The captain who wrote up the Nav1 gripe on the previous evening advised the captain on the accident flight of the malfunction prior to the latter 's departure from BFI .


  20. The tendency of capping and lamination of paracetamol tablets with different crystal states was investigated by ER / PC ( elastic recovery / plastic compression ), ratio of energy ( elastic energy / binding energy ) and BFI ( brittle fracture index ) .
