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  • 网络北京外国语大学
  1. BFSU now has 84 language majors and plans to increase it to more than 100 in 2020 , covering all countries that have diplomatic relations with China .


  2. BFSU comprises 7 academic colleges , 10 schools and departments . At presentBFSU offers a total of 44 undergraduate programs , 18 of them are the state only disciplines .


  3. I plan to return to China next summer so I can study at BFSU again .


  4. " to learn foreign language , to BFSU " has become a society-wide consensus .


  5. In2004 , BFSU held the second hosting competition , and Mingming took part again .


  6. Chinese companies with operations in Africa now hire more BFSU graduates than the government bodies that offer traditionally coveted jobs .


  7. I met her when I went to China two months ago along with my sister and friends to study Chinese at Beijing Foreign Studies University ( BFSU ) .


  8. Authorized by the Chinese Language Council International and BFSU , WCT organizes various training programs for directors of Confucius Institutes around the world .


  9. Congratulations on the establishment of the thailand 's embranchment of naiyou London International sex Corporation in bfsu !


  10. Thank you , BFSU ( Beiwai ), thank you , our teachers and thank you , our classmates .


  11. Here , at BFSU ( Beiwai ), we have borne another basket of luscious fruits .


  12. Last year 93 per cent of his students had secured jobs by the time of their graduation , almost the same rate as students at much more elite universities such as BFSU .


  13. BFSU has a highly qualified faculty which is comprised of academically -- re -- nowned professors and scholars with great potential in the field of foreign language and literature , culture , translation .


  14. Beijing Foreign Studies University ( BFSU ) is a state key university under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and a university of high learning with a long history , mufti disciplines and languages .


  15. Beijing Foreign Studies University ( BFSU ) will add 11 language courses , mostly African and Oceanianic tongues , to boost talent support for the country 's extending ties with the regions , a school official said last Wednesday .


  16. BFSU will offer Kurdish , Maori , Tongan , Samoan , Comorian , Tswana , Ndebele , Creole , Shona , Tigrinya and Byelorussian majors to undergraduates from September .
