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  1. Bild said on its website on the text after said .


  2. And Bild has found success online .


  3. She based the design on a German doll named Bild Lilli .


  4. Optical logic implementation in composite BILED / BILD circuits


  5. The tabloid in question is Bild Zeitung , Germany 's biggest paper .


  6. Bild has lost more than 1.5m buyers since 2001 .


  7. The tabloid newspaper Bild concentrates on the legal assistance VW will need in the US .


  8. The BBC and Bild declined to reveal their figures .


  9. The premise of this crime application is crime involving theft , bild and snatch , not other crime .


  10. The 38-year-old actor told German newspaper Bild : ' I am a bit drained .


  11. The report quoted Germany 's Bild newspaper as saying that the German government had also cut its GlaxoSmithKline order by one third .


  12. Last year a court ruled that Bild 's reporter had coerced theactor , Ottfried Fischer .


  13. Four European outlets are also joining : The Guardian , BBC News , Bild and Spiegel Online .


  14. " I would like to decide my future as soon as possible so I can focus only on football ," klose told bild .


  15. Lahm told Tuesday 's edition of German daily Bild there was no reason to give up the captain 's role .


  16. Yogendra Pratap , editor of the Auto Bild magazine in India , says the company has good reason to be optimistic .


  17. In both countries tabloids help set the toneof political debate , but Bild 's stunts are more imaginative and upmarket .


  18. The idea has been reported by Germany 's Bild newspaper , which claims to have leaked documents drawn up by Platini .


  19. Whereas British tabloids are sold on newsstands , which makes sensationalist headlines even more important , Bild is a quasi-monopoly .


  20. Multiple-valued optical logic implementation have firstly been demonstrated by using bistable laser diode ( BILD ) or bistable light emitting diode ( BILED ) circuits .


  21. British tabloids spend a lot more on reporting and research than Bild , which relies more on freelancers and agencies , notes Ms H ö ke .


  22. But Germany 's Bild tabloid had another suggestion , calling on Greek citizens to adopt a more Germanic work ethic in an open letter to Mr Papandreou .


  23. Four years before he became pope however , then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger spent nearly a month in hospital following a brain haemorrhage , according to the German daily Bild .


  24. German singer who plays Snow White has lost her job at Dresden 's Christmas fair after posing for nude photos in a bathtub , Bild newspaper said on Monday .


  25. German paper Bild am Sonntag reported klinsmann , who lives in california , has been offered a four-year deal and a contract in excess of $ 3 million per year .


  26. The initiative grew out of a campaign in Germany , led by Axel Springer , which publishes the tabloid Bild , to strengthen copyright law in that country .


  27. Elsewhere , the leading subscription publications were The Times in the UK , Bild in Germany , Le Monde in France , and El Mundo in Spain .


  28. BERLIN ( Reuters ) - A German scientist has been testing an " anti-stupidity " pill with encouraging results on mice and fruit flies , Bild newspaper reported on Saturday .


  29. If theSun and its rivals are more aggressive than Bild , it is because competition in Britain is more intense than it is in Germany , or anywhere else .


  30. The German tabloid is more political than its British counterpart , with three times more political coverage , says Susanne H ö ke , who has written a book comparing the Sun with Bild .
