blissfully unaware

美 ['blɪsfəlɪ ˌʌnəˈwer]英 ['blɪsfəlɪ ˌʌnəˈweə(r)]
  • (对不愉快的事)一无所知的
blissfully unawareblissfully unaware
  1. An application is blissfully unaware of all this activity .


  2. They were still blissfully unaware of what had happened .


  3. Unlike the mechanic , the target user is blissfully unaware of this internal complexity .


  4. They may be blissfully unaware that , in some cases , good email will not reach them .


  5. There must be a happy medium somewhere between being totally informed and blissfully unaware .


  6. Really , how can we continue to remain blissfully unaware of what is happening in the world ?


  7. But many employees are still blissfully unaware of how information they may deem private is being analysed by their managers .


  8. It is disheartening to see how blissfully unaware of this fact you truly are .


  9. Sam was blissfully unaware that they were laughing at him .


  10. Of course , I was blissfully unaware of all this at the time . I just knew that I was loved .


  11. The only way we could be sure of this would be through a PET scan , because at this point , you are blissfully unaware .


  12. He was blissfully unaware of the danger .


  13. All you knew was to be happy because you were blissfully unaware of all the things that should make you worried or upset .


  14. The adorable tot smiles in this poignant photograph , blissfully unaware that she will never know her father .


  15. Or it still hasn 't appeared but your vendor is keeping you blissfully unaware of how exposed your phone / computer / console is right now .


  16. Everyone seems blissfully unaware of the brazen animal apart from one woman warily holding her child outside the Hackney Community College in Hoxton .


  17. The rest of your application happily chugs along , calling that same API & blissfully unaware of how the loading and storing is being accomplished .


  18. With minimal effort and by following the procedures I recommend in this article , you can make your JMS client code blissfully unaware of the vendor implementation you 're using .


  19. But in a recent a sit-down with fortune , Jones said he continually meets CEOs of major corporations who remain blissfully unaware of social media and its power .


  20. Although many Internet users seem to remain blissfully unaware of all that , every now and again something brings a jangling reminder of the ever greater trove of personal information being gathered .


  21. Even if port operators and shipping lines suffer the trials and tribulations of this massive growth , the end consumer is blissfully unaware and is not paying any more as a result .


  22. In fact , a new poll by work-life and benefits consultants Workplace Options suggests the millennial generation is blissfully unaware of how messy , and how nasty , sex in the office can get .


  23. The Columbia was flying on autopilot , as is usual , and though it continued to lay flares in its wake , the astronauts aboard remained blissfully unaware of the trouble they were in .
