- n.巷道;矿房

Automatic Etchant Regeneration and Copper Recovery in Printed Wiring Bord Manufacture
By communication programme debugging between the platform and experimental circuit board , the paper validate bord support package of data queue , SIO CAN .
Tara McCarthy , Chief Executive of Bord Bia , the Irish Food Board , says its this analysis which has them ' bullish ' about producing beef exports for the Chinese market .
Mit an Bord ist der deutsche Astronaut Alexander Gerst . Bis zum 10 . November bleibt er in der Internationalen Raumstation ISS .
An Bord der F ä hre " Sewol " waren 476 Personen , darunter viele Sch ü ler .
Bord Bia 's chief executive , Aidan Cotter , has also travelled to South Africa to boost meat exports , following the South African government 's decision to allow the importation of Irish beef .