- 网络讨厌的;无礼的

You have to deal with bratty spoiled girls all day long and a good part of your day would have to be dedicated to carrying out punishments .
Occasionally , the children go to the playground in a rather grim council estate nearby and I have persuaded myself that the bratty kids who once pelted me with water-filled balloons from the same playground have moved to another town .
He was , in other words , a bratty little brother .
He was my bratty little brother that was twice as smart as me .
He was , um ... my bratty little brother .
What do you care about some bratty teenager anyway ?
Although she has her bratty moments , she has a strong relationship with her mother , Melissa .
The video , which has been viewed more than 6.8 million times , made Ramkissoon a poster child for bratty behavior .
And he grew up fine . Gone is that bratty little high school kid who still didn 't quite know how to put on a tie properly .
He had always been temperamental and bratty .
One time , a bratty Hindi kid whose family had recently moved into the neighborhood told us that in his Hometown , kite fighting had strict rules and regulations .
Yes I am I 've got parents and a bratty sister just like you I took piano lessons when I was little , and I go to church on Sundays .
Bieber , of course , is a Canada native who found fame as a teen pop star and then turned into a young bratty adult in the U.S.
And the children in these offerings are repeatedly depicted as the bratty , tyrannical rulers of their enslaved progenitors .
Don 't sulk and act like a bratty toddler , having an outburst in the store " cause their parents didn 't buy " em what they wanted .
and he bought a 1966 BMW R60 / 2 motorcycle that he adorned with orange tassels on the handlebars . He could also still be bratty .
a geekier alternate might have been the Ramones " bratty satire of in-group exclusivity , " I Don 't Wanna Walk Around With You . "
Or the way she sweetly drags out the long e in " beat " on " Welcome to New York " ; or the bratty background chorus chants on " All You Had to Do Was Stay . "