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  • 网络业务流程重组;业务流程再造;庞巴迪;后向资源预留;企业流程再造
  1. Design of BRP System Based on J2EE Technology


  2. Conclusion This instrument can be used as a tool for measuring BRP .


  3. TLA + Based BRP Specification and Verification


  4. Principles of BRP , the four layers , types and implementation steps of BRP are summed up too .


  5. During the period of Commercial Automatization building , this paper introduces BRP , achieves the optimizing of commercial business process and improves the relevant elements .


  6. The Bounded Retransmission Protocol ( BRP ) is an industrial protocol designed for the transfer of large data files over unreliable communication lines .


  7. Objective To probe a selective cultural method for bovine retinal endothelial cells ( BREC ) and pericytes ( BRP ) in vitro .


  8. Conclusion BREC and BRP with high purity can be obtained by using selective culture and coated-dishes respectively which are simple and repeatable methods .


  9. As a management idea , BRP , though meanwhile in great danger of failure , was fast popularized throughout European and American enterprises where many successful models were set up .


  10. It has a steel framework and carbon coating and is powered by a Rotax 912 , a four-cylinder aircraft engine from BRP of Austria .


  11. This paper puts forward a kind of new theoretic and practical model of the integral application of activity-based costing ( ABC ) value chain ( VC ) and business process reengineering ( BRP ) .


  12. Being a strategy , process-optimization combines eruptive changes of BRP and increasing changes of TQM , and lays emphasis on the orientation of providing additional values for final consumers .


  13. Objective To study the effects of advanced glycation end ( AGEs ) products induced by bovine serum albumin ( BSA ) on the survival and the morphology of bovine retinal endothelial cells ( BREC ) and pericytes ( BRP ) .


  14. BREC were identified by acetylated-low density lipoprotein ( Dil-Ac-LDL ) incorporation and immunohistochemical method of Von Willebrand factor , while BRP were identified by immunohistochemical method of α - isoform of smooth-muscle actin .
