
  • 网络北京化工大学;北京化工大学版
  1. This symposium has strengthened the international academic exchanges and collaborations , promoted the scientific research , and made more people know BUCT .


  2. Prof Wang Zihao , the president of BUCT hosted the welcome reception .


  3. The participants expressed their gratitude to the hospitalities from the teachers and students of BUCT , the host university .


  4. During the period of the symposium , some known institutes and universities has shown their interests in establishing exchange and collaboration program with BUCT .


  5. Biography : He Quan , male , born in1975 , doctor , lecturer of BUCT .


  6. Around 20000 students are currently studying at BUCT including more than 3 700 for Master 's or Doctoral degrees 11200 undergraduates , nearly 1 000 vocational students and over a hundred overseas students .


  7. Beijing University of Chemical Technology ( BUCT ) founded in 1958 is a state key university affiliated to the Ministry of Education and is also one of the first group of universities admitted to " Project 211 "


  8. Secondly , taking the development of graduate student education MIS of Beijing University of Chemical Technology ( BUCT ) as an example , the program design , system infrastructure , system security and realization techniques are discussed in detail .


  9. BUCT has paid great attention to scientific research and has a number of scientific research institutes with great strength , namely 1 national engineering and technology research center , 4 ministry level key laboratories , 3 ministry-level engineering and technology centers .


  10. As a result of the development in the past 48 years , BUCT has developed from an nstitution of scientific specialties to a comprehensive university with a solid foundation in science , great strength in engineering and full of characteristics in liberal arts , law , management and economics .
