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  • 网络倍世;德国倍世;白车身设计;德国水丽
  1. The object of value distribution is not wealth bwt value .


  2. A XML Document Compression Method Based on MPM and BWT Algorithm


  3. BWT and FVQ based very low bit rate image coding algorithm


  4. Results At end of 1st week , the BWT of treatment and control group were lower than 2 points .


  5. A Synthetic Working Region Diagram for TWT and BWT


  6. Nevertheless , WT1 mRNA expression level in patients ' blood may possibly be an indicator for BWT .


  7. In this paper , a new development of multifilar helices for BWT is proposed .


  8. Which include the hash table , suffix array , suffix tree and so on , but the model of BWT compression was used in the sequence alignment algorithms in recent years .


  9. The multi-scale analysis method based on BWT was used to analyze the daily mean of tilt data at Wushi station , combining with some cases since Wushi tilt started to be observed .


  10. The coefficients of variation about BWT , WWT , WSL are 22.36, 28.02 and 24.31 % , higher coefficients indicate a great potential to improve for the three traits .


  11. The estimates of heritability about BWT , WWT and WSL are 0.24, 0.06 and 0.13 , respectively .


  12. Because this structure occupies very little space , and we use this can block search in the process of sequence match , thus the BWT structure greatly increases the time and space utilization ratio of alignment algorithm .


  13. The BWT suffix sequence occupies a lot of space in the BWT index , so the compression and storage of the BWT suffix sequence directly affect the mapping speed of the entire reads mapping .


  14. The results showed that the proportions of genetic variance , uncorrelated random effect variance ( permanent environmental effect variance ) about BWT , WWT , WSL were low , but the proportions of residual variance were high .


  15. Taking into account the uneven distribution of the bases and the relatively high multiplicity of the BWT suffix sequence , we design and implement several compression algorithms of suffix sequence for the sake of improving the memory utilization of the entire system .
