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  • 网络咖啡厅;压缩空气泡沫系统;癌相关成纤维细胞
  1. These will be of great importance to design series of applied CAFS for forest fire suppression .


  2. Compared with the normal fibroblasts , oral CAFs grows faster and observe more cell overlap , squat spindle-shaped , nuclear single dye or multinuclear celluar gibbosity clear and irregular ; a-SMA positive .


  3. The paper described a newly developed high performance compressed air foam systems ( CAFS ) .


  4. Think of San Francisco without the hills , Paris without the cafs .


  5. Immunocytochemistry was used to identify oral CAFs and fibroblast after purification .


  6. Compressed air foam systems ( CAFS ) has been reported as a newly developed high performance technique for fire fighting .


  7. The construction of the experimental CAFS includes design of the power train , selection of pump and air compressor and other parts of the system .


  8. Oral CAFs haphazardly arranged and spindle-shaped , showed plump nuclei and higher growth rate compared to NMFs .


  9. However , that forecast proved wrong , since demand for coffee has remained high , even while consumers have moved from cafs to home drinking .


  10. The well-tended boulevards and comfortable cafs of Budapest do not look like obvious territory for revolution or social turmoil .


  11. The economic crisis has not halted his plans to have 80 ice-cream cafs across the country by the end of the year , up from just over 70 currently .


  12. Conclusion : It was suggested that MMP-2 expression is increased by paracrine stimulation mediated by soluble factors originated from oral CAFs and MMP-9 expression requires direct cell-cell contact .


  13. They moved in to what was then an inexpensive area and found the infrastructure was in place for their wholesale businesses , supermarkets , cafs and restaurants .


  14. The origination of the model will be of great importance to the application of foam generated by CAFS in forest fire suppression both in fire direct attack and acting as a firebreak .


  15. One of the most important host cells in that microenviroment is carcinoma-associated fibroblasts ( CAFs ), which would affect the biological behavior of epithelial cells remarkably due to their significant changes of secretory characteristics .


  16. At that time , a series of tower blocks had been built to accommodate the city 's growing population , with provision for shops and cafs at ground level and huge underground car parks for tenants and delivery vehicles .


  17. Objective To observe the effect of oral carcinoma-associated fibroblasts ( CAFs ) on the invasion of a lingual carcinoma cell line , and to elucidate the role of CAFs in oral squamous cell carcinoma ( OSCC ) progression .


  18. Each transaction share of losses is based on its contribution on the system currents contributions which need to be adjusted , due to the nonlinearity of the system , using the introduced Current Adjustment Factors ( CAFs ), which provide a reasonable way evaluating each transaction .
