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  1. Callum , recently arrived in Glasgow , is jobless , homeless , friendless , and suffering from culture shock .


  2. Callum : The first one was a positive response .


  3. Callum : Now to end here 's a short listening activity .


  4. Callum : And also the past perfect .


  5. Callum : What is different about the sentences is the way the question is introduced .


  6. Callum : Although this is more polite it 's still a little direct .


  7. Callum : There were three times she was interrupted and had to get back on topic .


  8. Owen had asked Callum why he thought the old man was so bitter .


  9. Callum : So how can we use present verb forms to talk about something that 's happened in the past ?


  10. Callum : Of course this isn 't the only way of saying you don 't have a strong feeling about something .


  11. Callum : " When this is done " . In this case you have to complete the previous stage before continuing .


  12. Callum : 'So so ' , a very simple expression meaning you don 't really like something but don 't really dislike it .


  13. There is just something about the classic design that Callum and Fisker created that I find incredibly appealing .


  14. Callum : Let 's now look at a couple more simple expressions for saying that you don 't have a strong feeling about something .


  15. Callum McCarthy , a former top British financial regulator , said regulators worldwide should have focused instead on how undercapitalized banks already were .


  16. Callum : As well as saying how long you might need something for , there 's also a useful phrasal verb you can use to say when you will return something .


  17. Callum Henderson , head of FX strategy at Standard Chartered , says he remains bearish on Asian currencies outside of Japan given the prospect of slowing global growth .


  18. Fisker is credited with turning Callum 's design into the V8 Vantage , and together , they developed the characteristic Aston Martin look as we know it today .


  19. We think that Zhou 's comments support our call that the move might come later rather than sooner , said Callum Henderson , head of FX Research at Standard Chartered Bank in a note .


  20. At that time designer Ian Callum , a former junior designer at the American automaker , was working for a consulting company Ford had hired to revitalize the struggling brand .


  21. If you go into restaurants of super-tall towers , you can often feel them sway , says Callum MacBean , managing director of Gensler 's Shanghai office .


  22. 1 , It introduces the commonly used linear techniques for microwave power amplifier at present which include feedback , feedforward , predistortion , LINC and CALLUM , analyzed their principles , application , advantages and disadvantages .


  23. Callum : Hello , I 'm Callum Robertson and today 's'How to * 'is all about describing a process , describing a series of instructions that when completed create a finished thing .


  24. That means that Ian Callum 's and Henrik Fisker 's iconic shape could become part of Aston 's history , and the V-12 Vanquish S could be one of the last of the Astons on the current platform .
