- 网络坎布里亚;威尔士;寒武纪

Anne Woods , 62 , was accepted into the Guinness World Record after winning the title of " world 's ugliest woman " in a contest of her hometown Cambria , UK27 times .
That may be why a top official of Cambria Suites Hotels , Michael Murphy , says business is strong , " We are seeing the highest demand in the history of the hotel industry right now . More people are traveling now than ever before , and that 's in all segments of travel . "
Cambria Investment Management has nearly $ 7 million or about 9 % of its assets in Greece .
Gillis says that serif fonts , such as Times Roman or Cambria may be rejected by screening software .
And replace the outdated Times New Roman with a more modern font such as Cambria , Calibri , or Georgia , Enelow says .
But Cambria 's Faber says he is invested in Greece for the long term & even if the country ends up stumbling out of the eurozone .
They exist in the verge and the combine zone of Cambria system insidious bases ; Application of CHIM and CSE to exploration for concealed gold deposits
Its brands , such as Comfort Inn , quality , Cambria suites and Sleep Inn easily recognisable in the US are in that economy to mid-price range that have become such a tempting alternative to the full-service upper-end hotels for the cost-conscious business and leisure traveller .