
美 [ˈkæŋkərd]英 [ˈkæŋkəd]
  • 网络溃疡的;腐烂的
  1. To reach the increasing requirement , food manufacturer and retailer not only need to deliver the easy alterative and cankered food quickly , but also take more focus on food quality , safety , dependability and traceability .


  2. Study proved that cankered index of seed-used pumpkin showed increased tendency . Cankered index in 10 was higher than 5 and room temperature ;


  3. The main disease of lotus has cankered disease , leaf spot to wait , insect pest has aphid , chafer to wait .


  4. I can bear the bad smell that cankered food gives out , but stink of your draught animals canopy more very .


  5. Your gold and silver is cankered ; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you , and shall eat your flesh as it were fire .


  6. Save it were the cankered wrath of an old witch , like Mistress Hibbins ," added he , attempting to smile ," I know nothing that I would not sooner encounter than this passion in a child .
