
美 [ˈkɑrvərz]英 [ˈkɑːvəz]
  • n.雕刻师;雕工;雕刻爱好者
  • carver的复数



  • 1
    N-COUNT 雕刻师;雕工;雕刻爱好者
    A carver is a person who carves wood or stone, as a job or as a hobby.

    The ivory industry employed about a thousand carvers.


  1. The ivory industry employed about a thousand carvers .


  2. But the Carvers soon realized that they could not answer all the brilliant boy 's questions .


  3. For the map carvers , you are clearing the road for the ascending children .


  4. The Dream Carvers : Constructing Identity through Narration


  5. A number of Chinese block carvers and printers emigrated to Japan in this period , and the quantity and quality of printing improved .


  6. Jewelers , potters , and carvers display their wares in the shade along the city 's main square .


  7. This shall allow other human initiates to ascend with greater ease than Mila or Oa , or many other map carvers global wide .


  8. If approved , people hoping to become Lanzhou beef noodles chefs and Linxia brick carvers must first pass the exam before qualifying to work .


  9. As of this past spring , another manner in which humanity and earth alike looses dream has been understood through the map carvers of ascension .


  10. Therefore there will be additional changes to the field and form as the map carvers continue to carve the map to Bodhisattva for all of humanity to follow .


  11. As sustainable biology is ascended into then warfare and disease shall cease ; and this requires focus in the undertaking on the part of the map carvers to foster .


  12. On the top of the mountain , they saw some people who were enjoying penglading , down below a lot of carvers of eating grass in the field .


  13. Not enough love translates into limited forgiveness and this has been a vast problem in most map carvers attempted ascensions thus far ; and It is why we are pointing this out .


  14. It has long been a puzzle for jade carvers in antique jade article imitating , a discussion of which is of great importance to succeed and promote the development and prosperity of Chinese antique jade carving .


  15. His family still runs a shop nearby , Sembahyang Wood Carvers , that ships its intricate , mesmerizing woodwork around the world , with the prices for some of the larger mahogany pieces stretching into tens of thousands of dollars .
