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  • n.塞拉;蜂蜡
  1. Results The acid value and the saponification value in Cera Chinensis could be determined successfully .


  2. Preparation and Adsorption Characteristics of Adsorptive Cera mic-fiber Functional Paper


  3. Candida Scott of CERA said : They are going to go down in 2009 .


  4. This review gives a detail demonstration about the development , molecular structure , biochemical characteristics and the most common adverse effects of CERA .


  5. One of the last scenes in the movie Superbad features Jonah Hill and Michael Cera cuddling .


  6. CERA hedged its predictions of supply tightness with uncertainty about the rate at which world oil demand will recover after the recession .


  7. Two years ago , Cera created its break point scenario , to explore how supply disruptions and delayed development would lead to $ 120 - $ 150 oil .


  8. " The emerging energy stimulus is really driven by energy security and by climate change , " said Zhou Xizhou , associate director at IHS Cera in Beijing .


  9. Other high-cost ventures , such as new biofuels and projects that seek to turn natural gas and coal into clean-burning transportation fuels are also likely to be affected , the CERA report said .


  10. In the MATLAB simulation , compared to LEACH , the results show that CERA algorithm effectively improves the energy balance of wireless sensor networks , prolongs the network lifetime , and increase the success rate of data transmission .


  11. In the third quarter , costs were still rising at annual rates of 19 per cent in the upstream industry oil and gas production and 12 per cent in the downstream refining industry , the IHS Cera Index said .


  12. ' A price collapse of this magnitude really registers on the Richter scale , and its impact on levels of future investment will be felt for years , 'said CERA Chairman Daniel Yergin in an interview .


  13. " The gas market has been very supply constrained , " says Zhou Xizhou , associate director of IHS Cera , the consultancy , in Beijing . " There is a lot of pent-up demand . "


  14. Last year , she proved herself more than just a bit player by co-writing and starring in Paper Heart , a hybrid documentary / fictional love story ( with Michael Cera as her awkwardly adorable boyfriend ) .
