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  • 网络焦化蜡油;货物;郑州;首席政府关系官;郑州新郑机场
  1. The effect of basic nitrogen compound on the CGO cracking properties


  2. Saturated hydrocarbons content of CGO been increased by about 10 percent points and the nitrogen content decreased significantly after solvent refining .


  3. Delayed coking technology to reduce CGO yield more effectively than large circulation ratio operation


  4. Research of Hydrotreated CGO as FCC Feedstock


  5. The effect law which is the mass fraction change of basic nitrogen compound of CGO for the distribution of cracking products and the feedstock conversion was studied .


  6. The proportion of coking gas oil ( CGO ) in total liquid product produced from theonce through operation was increased but the quality became worse .


  7. The equivalent circuit model of the CGO film was recommended , and the complex impedance spectroscopy of the CGO film was analyzed at different test temperatures .


  8. In this paper , two kinds of 3 zone phase only pupil filter for confocal microscopy were optimally designed with constrained global optimization ( CGO ) algorithm .


  9. The ( NiO ) CGO dispersed by milling is compact , and it is more uniformly dispersed by emulsification .


  10. The hydrotreating performance of catalysts was also examined in a fixed-bed continuous-flow micro-reactor , using CGO from the Liaohe Oilfield as feedstock .


  11. Most of CGO was processed by FCC apparatus , and the high basic nitrogen compounds in CGO were easy to cause catalyst poisoning and deteriorated FCC products distributions .


  12. The nitrogen content were significantly reduced from more than 0.5 % to less than 0.21 % and most of saturates in CGO were remained in raffinate .


  13. - 10 # diesel with high cetane number , low sulfur and nitrogen content can be produced by mixing the FCC LCO and CGO at the ratio of 1 ∶ 1 .


  14. We investigated the effects of sintering temperature and different metal oxides on the structures and electrical conductivities of high purity CGO and impurity CGO , we also got the optimum sintering aid and the best grain boundary scavenger .


  15. Abstract By proper blending of coking gas oil ( CGO ) into the vacuum gas oil feedstock to a hydrocracking unit , the operation of this unit can somewhat be improved and the potential economic value of CGO can be realized .


  16. Due to the CGO is lack of the main remedy approach and legal responsibility is not clear , its legal rights can not be protected . Fourth , the CGOs ' dilemma of business is single business and limited cooperation between banks and guarantees .


  17. A high sulfur tolerant Pt catalyst was prepared using a fluorite-type Ce_ ( 0.8 ) Gd_ ( 0.2 ) O_ ( 1.9 ) ( CGO ) oxide as the support that was synthesized by the citric acid sol-gel method .


  18. GPS long baseline data processing software is a very complex system . As high-precision data processing software , CGO simplifies a lot of parameter settings and operating steps , reducing the difficulties when processing GPS data . However , several subtle issues are yet remained in the previous version .
