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美 [tʃɑːrd]英 [tʃɑːd]
  • n.叶甜菜;牛皮菜;厚皮菜


a vegetable with thick white stems and large leaves

also Swiss chard



  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT 莙荙菜;牛皮菜
    Chard is a plant with a round root, large leaves, and a thick stalk.


long succulent whitish stalks with large green leaves
Synonym: Swiss chard spinach beet leaf beet
beet lacking swollen root;grown as a vegetable for its edible leaves and stalks
Synonym: Swiss chard spinach beet leaf beet chard plant Beta vulgaris cicla


  1. Performance of Rescuing Flow Chard for Patients with Respiratory and Cardiac Arrest in Clinical Teaching of Emergency Room


  2. All balance Swiss chard will be cropped next week .


  3. Study on the Improvement of the Soil of the Newly Established Or - chard on the Reclaimed Purple Soil


  4. Swiss chard : A leafy green vegetable packed with carotenoids that protect aging eyes .


  5. But there may be a shift occurring , says Paul Chard , global head of content at media agency Mediacom .


  6. This naked ( i.e. , unoaked ) chard from the Russian River Valley has great bone structure and plenty of curves as well .


  7. his publisher , Daniel Chard ( " We need readers .... More readers . Fewer writers " ) ;


  8. Her children harvested rows of , mustard greens , lettuce , Swiss chard and carrots .


  9. There 's also a sidebaron kale and Swiss chard .


  10. On our plot all was well blanketed in rich cow manure the chard standing idle waiting for the warmth of the sun .


  11. It 's related to mangel and chard . It 's a biennial and is usually grown in a cool climate .


  12. Spinach , like broccoli and Swiss chard , is an excellent source of vitamins A and C , which your body needs to produce sebum .


  13. How : Add arugula to your sandwich Layer chard into lasagna Fold spinach into omelets Add any green to stir-fries , pasta dishes and soup


  14. In the end , the fictional publisher Daniel Chard got it right : Content is king , and on that score , both J. K. Rowling and Robert Galbraith triumph .


  15. SEAN CONROE : " We have spinach , onions , radish , lettuce and chard that 's all ready to be harvested right now . "


  16. In the next layer , plant your greens such as spinach , Swiss chard , mustard greens or collard greens . The leaves of kale , used as a vegetable .


  17. In the end , the fictional publisher Daniel Chard got it right : " Content is king , " and on that score , both J. K. Rowling and Robert Galbraith triumph .


  18. In the next layer , plant your greens such as spinach , Swiss chard , mustard greens or collard greens . As well as vegetables , fish is often pickled particularly herring .


  19. Cooked greens , including cabbage , collards , and chard , are consumed at New Year 's in different countries for a simple reason their green leaves look like folded money , and are thus symbolic of economic fortune .


  20. I weeded for a while amongst the chard where the ground was softer and listened to the song birds singing all around , staking their claims on the plots for the arrival of spring .


  21. Dark green leafy vegetables such as kale , spinach , collard greens and Swiss chard are the best source of vitamin K so eat plenty of them to get the full benefit of this bone-boosting nutrient .


  22. Leafy greens , like dark green lettuce , spinach , kale , and Swiss chard , are top sources of the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin , which halted cell growth prompted by UV light in animal studies .


  23. On postoperative first and 7th day , the mean best corrected visual acuity in the membrane-forming group was 0.2 and 0.4 respectively , versus 0.4 and 0.6 in the membrane-free group on Snellen chard ( P < 0.05 ) .


  24. Fifty-five different varieties of berries , vegetables and herbsare grown in the garden , including parsley , cilantro , peppers , chard , arugula , chives , chamomile and several kinds of lettuce .


  25. During a cocktail party in Robert Galbraith 's ( a.k.a. J. K. Rowling 's ) endlessly entertaining detective novel " The Silkworm , " the publisher Daniel Chard gives a toast in which he observes that


  26. For the main course , meat-eaters tucked into a duo of marinated filet mignon and slow-baked Arctic chard with potato croquette and heirloom cherries , a tomato fondue and black Tuscan kale .
