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charge up

美 [tʃɑːrdʒ ʌp]英 [tʃɑːdʒ ʌp]
  • 给(电池)充电
charge upcharge up

charge up


  • 1
    → see:charge 11


cause to be agitated, excited, or roused
The speaker charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remarks
Synonym: agitate rouse turn on charge commove excite


  1. The man in the garage said he would charge up my car battery .


  2. How long will it take to charge up the batter ?


  3. The government will charge up for all the daily necessities .


  4. Will you charge up my car battery ?


  5. If you didn 't charge up your mistakes , you would make a greater mistake .


  6. A speaker who knows how to charge up a crowd .


  7. She drove the car round the block to charge up its batteries .


  8. Real courage is not running into a burning building or leading a charge up a hill .


  9. Angle the deflector shields while I charge up the main guns .


  10. How long will it take to charge up the batter ? I need to charge my car battery .


  11. To charge up the shield generators .


  12. By passing on the savings to their customers , they typically charge up to $ 100 less than their competition .


  13. How do I charge up my cashramspam account ?


  14. A few days after the Rough Riders ' charge up San Juan Hill , the Spanish fleet fled Cuba .


  15. The energy of network nodes is supplied by battery , once exhausted can not charge up , therefore , energy management is an important aspect for Ad hoc network .


  16. Many destination wedding photographers charge up to $ 10,000 a wedding , plus airfare , meals , and incidentals .


  17. They charge up to $ 300 an hour and typically see clients in their New York office once a week , though it can be more frequent if required .


  18. UUV must come back to the underwater workstation when assignments have been done , or it needs to download missions , transform data and charge up batteries .


  19. US lenders pushing short-term loans that charge up to 5,000 per cent interest per year are pouring into the UK , filling demand for credit from low income borrowers abandoned by retail banks .


  20. As part of the admission process to these schools that charge up to $ 40000 a year , four-year-olds must attend a playgroup where they are tested by teachers for academic ability and their social and emotional IQ .


  21. Chetrit had planned to charge up to $ 32m for a duplex unit if its planned conversion into residential space had gone through - fitting for a structure where interior scenes for the movie Wall Street were filmed .


  22. It reflects a similar process in England where universities have been forced to draw up targets to boost the number of disadvantaged students admitted each year in return for retaining the power to charge up to ? 9000 in tuition fees .


  23. Others claimed that the Hessian soldier rose from the grave to lead the Hessian soldiers in a charge up nearby Chatterton Hill , not knowing that the hill had already been taken by the British .


  24. Firstly , the thesis analyzed the way of single power supply to realize intelligent management , then on this basic , which designed the main plan for multi-power supplies ' intelligent management , including the method to charge up and the main loop of charging on and discharge .


  25. Mr. Wu , who died of lung cancer at age 84 on Monday , responded to China 's market overhauls in the early 1980s with a politically savvy strategy to charge up the economy of Huaxi , the village in eastern Jiangsu province that he headed as Communist Party secretary .


  26. As you know , due to unfortunate circumstances , ETS was forced to cancel the scores of the Octorber 1992 TOEFL administration in the People 's Republic of China . At that time , you were notified that you would be able to take another TOEFL without charge up through the October 1993 administration .


  27. Next time maybe we 'll charge it up before class .


  28. Let me just charge this up for you right here .


  29. So let 's charge it up again and see if we can check again .


  30. You can make the accusation , but I don 't think you have enough evidence to make the charge stand up .
