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  • 网络冷诱导RNA结合蛋白
  1. The significance of equivalent chip thickness proposed by CIRP is also discussed .


  2. Investigation of Environmental Radiation Level at CIRP Waste Storage Facility


  3. Hydrogeological survey of shallow groundwater at cirp 's field test site


  4. Physical and chemical analyses of aerated zone loess at cirp 's field test site


  5. Progress in Radiochemical Analyses in 40 Years since CIRP 's Founding


  6. Study development of tritium monitoring technigues at CIRP


  7. Progress in radiochemical analyses in 40 years since CIRP 's founding is described in this paper .


  8. Preparation and Identification of Recombinant Protein of CIRP 'S Polyclonal Antibody in BALB / C Mice


  9. The free measuring platform has fully reached the dynamometer standard stipulated by CIRP STCC .


  10. The Subject of Mechanical Engineering and Synthesis of Science and Technology-Sidelights on 39-th CIRP General Assembly


  11. The method and results of the test , which was conducted in the experimental shaft of the CIRP ′ s Field Test Site , are introduced in this paper .


  12. This paper deals with the structure and performance of 14 C sampler in air , along with the situation of sampling operation at CIRP over the last year .


  13. Static and dynamic calibrations and actual cutting tests have confirmed that the main performance figures of the dynamometer meet the specifications recommended by CIRP .


  14. Cold-induced RNA-binding protein ( Cold inducible RNA-binding Protein , CIRP ) is the first cold shock protein found in mammalian cells .


  15. CIRP was induced expression by a wide variety of cellular stresses , such as hypoxia stress , osmotic pressure stress and UV irradiation stress et al .


  16. Cold inducible RNA-binding protein ( CIRP ) was originally cloned in mouse testis cells and identification of the first cold shock protein , over expressed upon cold stress .


  17. After chronic cold stimulation , the expression level of CIRP were approximate in heart , lung , brain and testis four tissue of rats and the difference was not significant among groups .


  18. The intercomparison method and data on dual track dose monitoring were summarized between CIRP and GNPS or QNPS in 1998 . The statistic results show that both deviations are controlled within ± 20 % .


  19. Sales of the 5C were also poor , compared to the company 's expectations , and in January , research firm CIRP reports the model accounted for just 27 per cent of iPhone sales at the end of 2013 .


  20. It suggested that CIRP played a role in protecting cells from cold-induced apoptosis . This study have developed experimental model for investigating the cold-induced apoptosis , laying a foundation for further study on biological functions and mechanism of CIRP protein .


  21. An undisturbed soil column was collected from the CIRP 's Field Test Site with a specific device . 60 Co , 85 Sr and 137 Cs were used as the tracing nuclides and their migration behavior was studied under artificial sprinkling condition .


  22. A simulation test of radionuclide migration in aquifer has been performed in the Underground Research Facility at CIRP ′ s Field Test Site . 90 Sr , 237 Np , 238 Pu and 241 Am were selected as tracers for the test .


  23. CIRP as an RNA chaperone , which facilitated mRNA translation , inhibited cell growth upon the perception of cold stress , and participated in many kinds of physiology and pathology process in human and animal . On the whole , CIRP was a multifunctional protein .


  24. CIRP mRNA relative expression quantity was detected by the double standard curve in the real time PCR method . First , two pairs of specific primers were designed on the nucleic acid sequences of Housekeeping gene GAPDH and rats CIRP , which have been published in the GenBank .
