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  1. Chapter ⅴ is about the implement suggestion of flexible working system in CKE .


  2. " Summertime " - the CD & Video recorded at CKE , Finally Reaches Hollywood !


  3. Smaller chains may catch the eye of private-equity firms , just as CKE Restaurants did earlier this year when Apollo Management , a buy-out firm , purchased it .


  4. Nicely placed on an interlink bridge between Austria and Italy , bungee junkies enjoy a swing from Europabr ü cke while taking pictures of the Alps in an upside down position .


  5. Das Ungl ü ck l ö st erneut massive Proteste gegen Ministerpr ä sident Recep Tayyip Erdogan aus , der bei einem Besuch in Soma solche Ungl ü cke als unvermeidlich bezeichnet .
