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  • 网络临床实验室标准化研究所;临床实验室标准化协会;美国临床实验室标准化协会;临床实验室标准化委员会;美国临床和实验室标准协会
  1. Our country refer to CLSI standard .


  2. We compared agar dilution susceptibility screening with the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute ( CLSI ) method for Candida isolates .


  3. The drug sensitive paper and board using in KB method were purchased from OX Company , and the results were determined according to CLSI standards .


  4. The panel advocated obtaining help in this area from such organizations as International Standards Organization ( ISO ) and Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute ( CLSI ) .


  5. The susceptibility of these isolates to14 antimicrobial agents was determined by agar dilution method according to the guidelines from Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute ( CLSI ) .


  6. According to CLSI standard , the drug resistance of SA to antibiotics was identified and the phenotype of methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA ) determined .


  7. METHODS The antimicrobial-resistant genes were analyzed by PCR . The inducible resistance of erythromycin to clindamycin were checked by D-test according to the standards of CLSI ( NCCLS ) .


  8. The antibiotics susceptibility test , the ESBLs-screening test and phenotypic confirmatory test of the sensitive group induced strains were determined by the disk diffusion test , which recommended by CLSI ( 2009 ) . 2 .


  9. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute ( CLSI ) recommended antibiotic susceptibility test provides the sensitivity of the results , the need for at least 18 hours of training process is not conducive to the early diagnosis of anti-infective therapy .
