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  • n.科洛尔
  1. Collor nurtured the idea that he was a superman , who single-handedly could resolve Brazil 's crisis .


  2. The cantilever reinforced concrete headframe built upon the shaft collor is one of our new technical development since 1958 . Many examples of such headframe have been built and have provided good service .


  3. Methods Using collor Doppler ultrasonograph to check the bloodstream of the normal and the PIH fetal umbilical artery and cerebri media artery , and then analyse it .


  4. Purpose : To detect the image of Collor Doppler Ultrasonic Cardiography ( CD - UCG ) on ventricular septal defect ( VSD ) with aortic valve incompetence ( AVI ) .


  5. The compared results show that in the LWD environment , monopole and dipole sources can activate collor mode wave which has very large amplitude , and thus seriously disturbs the measurements of formation compressional or shear wave ;
