- abbr.计算机;competition 竞争,争夺

193we have new methods like compe ation trade and joint ventrue .
Intercultural communication needs cross-cultural competence and the improvement of foreign language learners ' practical compe - tence should be valued in foreign language teaching .
Some issues on Chinese book marketing are becoming worse with the compe - tition intensifying and other reasons existing inside or outside the book industry .
Agricultural industrialization international experience shows that agricultural production specialized compe - tence rises constantly , industrial and commercial financial capital of integration organization permeates agriculture , system innovation , etc.
Unlike deposits where the bank has to provide security and also provide compe ation in the form of interest , a loan is a form of investment for the bank ?
Though Germany is ac-tive in prompting local competition , market compe ti tion system has not been established due to the nature monopoly in ac cess field .