- n.期货溢价;期货升水

Traders lock in a profit through the simultaneous sale of futures contracts at higher prices for later delivery , with the market in a structure known as contango .
The goal of this research was threefold : using Tr ü ck et al . ( 2006 )' s results and methodology , we first investigated the changing market dynamics through the study of the futures and volatility term structures of EUA and found a market in clear contango .
Traders even have a name for that upward bias in futures markets - contango .
One of the most striking short-term pulls on oil prices is a futures-market condition called contango .
In a contango market , the optimal hedge position is larger than the optimal position of a mean & variance investor .
Contango incentivizes those who can afford to hold oil to hold on to it .
On Monday , Oman crude oil on the Dubai Mercantile Exchange flipped to contango as well .
Contango indicates that traders are buying near-term supplies at a discount because there are enough barrels to go around .
This has increased the contango & industry jargon for when prices for delivery in the future are higher than in the spot market in US crude .
Increasing risk aversion and disappointment aversion have similar effects on optimal hedge position : increasing it in a backward market and decreasing it in a contango market .
Brent is now in contango , meaning that the front-month October contract is cheaper than contracts for later this year and next .
While Brent is most reflective of the European market , the contango in Oman suggests that the Asian market is also well-supplied .
Also , private investors have to factor in the movement back and forth between contango and backwardation as well as consider the impact of any move in Treasury Bill yields .
It also shows that the cause of backwardation is that a steady relation exists between spot price and future price , and divergence of this stable relationship generates contango in short-term .
Because the futures curve is in steep contango ( in other words , prices rise into the future ) and borrowing and warehousing costs are low , this generates a solid return .
The resulting contango , in which near-term contracts are cheaper than contracts for delivery in the future , made it extraordinarily profitable to buy crude , store it and sell it forward .
When new contracts are more expensive , or in a contango , the rollover leads to losses as investors are selling cheaper prompt contracts and buying more expensive next-month futures .
There is one ETF that buys futures contracts & PowerShares DB Base Metals , which purchases aluminum , zinc and copper and varies the contracts it buys to minimize contango .
The Shanghai copper futures curve has been in a wide contango , with the copper for delivery in three months trading above spot metal , since the beginning of the year , indicating a well-supplied market .
And a further boost to returns will come from the fact that the futures curves in many important commodity markets have recently shifted from contango to backwardation , meaning commodities for immediate delivery now command a premium .