
  • n.通用公共许可证;非盈利版权;通用公共许可协议
  1. The GNU General Public License is a free , copyleft license for software and other kinds of works .


  2. The copyleft also requires that any re-distributed software be covered by the same license .


  3. " Copyleft " mechanism would , however , be a significant restriction to licensees'freedom to choose the intellectual property license they prefer .


  4. This paper introduced the developing of software copyright , expatiated the patent trend in software industry , and at last it analyzed the internet , copyleft and service .


  5. This protection of users'rights is accomplished with a device called a copyleft : The software license claims copyright protection and prohibits distribution unless the user is granted these rights .


  6. A neotype of copyright - " copyleft " was engendered from the software fields , riding on the tide of information revolution in the end of last century .


  7. Creative Commons , Scribd , Project Gutenberg , Copyleft are all built to enable young leaders to emerge with ideas and solutions that stand to change the world .


  8. He drew up General Public License ( GPL ), created a copyleft rules that allow free software users can share the fruit of software . They can copy , use and modify the software by free .


  9. This license is a modified version of the GNU GPL that closes a loophole where the copyleft restrictions do not apply to the software 's usage but only its distribution .
