- n.科尔多瓦(阿根廷城市);科多巴(尼加拉瓜的货币单位)

Officials expect the canal to bring in aninvestment of more than one trillion cordoba , which would more than triple thesize of the current economy .
Among the afflicted were a couple from Mendoza province , a doctor from Rio Negro and a three-member family from Cordoba province that had recently visited Mexico .
The first great flowering of Moorish culture took place in the new capital city of Cordoba .
Zola takes , Cordoba heads clear at the far post .
The first seminar took place in Cordoba city , which we had visited on previous occasions .
My parents had a house in cordoba .
Argentina peanut is mainly distributed in Cordoba province , where the crop covers 97.3 % of total national peanut area .
We see it in the history of Andalusia and Cordoba during the Inquisition .
My mom cooks in Cordoba , and sometimes also in Buenos Aires , because I bring her with me .
A Colombian peace campaigner and former senator , Piedad Cordoba , has left the country after receiving death threats .
929 – Emir Abd-ar-Rahman III established the Caliphate of Cordoba .
Study leader Professor Diana Vaamonde , from University of Cordoba Medical School in Spain said other studies had shown very high levels of exercise affected fertility in both men and women .
Piedad Cordoba is a controversial figure in Colombia , an outspoken advocate for peace talks with the country 's left-wing rebel groups .
Home to 5000 inhabitants , Bialet Masse is a tourist destination in Cordoba Province , 750 kilometers ( 466 miles ) northwest of Buenos Aires .
In the ninth century learned men in the schools of Cordoba in Spain were corresponding with learned men in Cairo , Bagdad , Bokhara and Samarkand .
The Moors in Spain buit such gardens at Cordoba , Toledo , and especially at the Alhambra in Granada .
Ms Cordoba has negotiated the release of a number of hostages held by the left-wing rebel group , the Farc , but the Colombian government accused her of helping the rebels .
As the governing center of Umayyad in medieval Spain , Cordoba isa land of three religions , and the three phenomena of acculturation , conversion and interfaith marriage defined it in the ninth century .
Based in Villa Carlos Paz north of the capital Buenos Aires , the town lies on the banks of the spectacular San Roque Lake in the south of the Punilla Valley west of the city of Cordoba .