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  • 网络克伦巴赫;克龙巴赫;克伦巴赫系数
  1. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : Cronbach 's α coefficient was used to test internal consistency reliability ;


  2. The whole scale had good consistency reliability and the Cronbach a coefficient is . 9445 .


  3. The reliability of internal consistency was evaluated with Cronbach 's alpha coefficients ;


  4. Chapter 4 analyses the data by factors and correlation analysis , tests construct validity and Cronbach 's a coefficients .


  5. Methods : The cronbach - α coefficient , fixed effect model and mixed effect model were used to test the reliability of occupational stress survey .


  6. Cronbach 's α was 0.81 and 0.72 , respectively .


  7. Factor analysis was used to evaluate construct validity . [ Results ] Cronbach ' α coefficient of SF-8 was 0.749 ;


  8. Test-retest reliability and internal concordance coefficient ( Cronbach a coefficient ) were used to test reliability of the questionnaire .


  9. The reliability analysis included the Cronbach 's a , split-half reliability . The validity analysis included content , construct , and difference validity .


  10. The reliability coefficient of the C-testing was computed by Cronbach 's alpha .


  11. By cronbach alpha and confirmatory factor analysis , we test the reliability and validity of the scale , and the result of test is good .


  12. Results Cronbach 's alpha coefficients in normal group are higher than 0.7 . The discriminatory validity in anxiety and close dependence dimension is good .


  13. The Cronbach alpha coefficients of the whole scale and 3 subscales were 0.869 9 , 0.88 , 0.69 and 0.77 respectively .


  14. Cronbach Alpha was 0.83 and acquired index related to general satisfactory rate and satisfactory rate of each item was 0.47 ~ 0.79 ( P < 0.01 ) .


  15. Internal concordance coefficient ( Cronbach a coefficient ) split-half coefficient , and test-retest reliability were analyzed to verify the reliability of the questionnaire .


  16. The reliability analysis included the mean inter-item correlation , Cronbach 's a coefficient , split-half reliability , test-retest reliability and the generalizability analysis .


  17. Results : The scale has good reliability and construct validity , the Cronbach α is 0.8541 . Confirmatory factor shows good fit between the data and the construct of scale .


  18. Methods The reliability was evaluated with Cronbach alpha and Guttman Split-half , the construct and content validity of the questionnaire was evaluated with factor analysis .


  19. The reliability of all the questionnaires used in this paper was calculated by Cronbach coefficient , and the result showed that the reliability coefficients of the questionnaires were all acceptable .


  20. Furthermore , combined the example , the paper has progressed the practice analysis . Cronbach a coefficient and Kendall coefficient of concordance are chosen to evaluate the evaluation reliability .


  21. Cronbach Alpha was0.876 , split-half reliability coefficient was0.841 .


  22. Cronbach 's alpha coefficient of compositive index for A type behavior was 0.55 . Conclusion The Kappa index and alpha coefficient were both inherently population-specific .


  23. Result The split-half reliability of the scales was 0.95 , and all of the Cronbach α coefficients were above 0.7 . A physical factor and a psychological factor were identified by factor analysis .


  24. Method : 146 first-episode schizophrenic patients were evaluated with BPRS before and after treatment , then 18 items of BPRS were conducted factor analysis , item analysis and computed Cronbach alpha .


  25. The result shows that cronbach alpha coefficient of POMS-R is 0.9 ; factor analysis with varimax rotation extracted a seven-factor solution accounting for 58.1 % of the variance .


  26. Results : First , evaluated the internal consistent reliability of the inventories ( OSI-R and TABP ) by Cronbach α coefficient , and the result show they all have good internal consistent .


  27. Results : All psychometric indices of the revised PSPS were satisfactory ( the Cronbach α index for the three subscales were 0.742 , 0.705 and 0.681 ) .


  28. Rating reliability was all calculated by Cronbach coefficient and the rating difference was tested by ANOVA to make sure the scores can reflect the test takers ' real translation competence as much as possible .


  29. The revised scale was administrated to 210 high school students to examine reliability and validity , showing that the Cronbach coefficient was 0.782 , retest reliability is 0.912 , and validity was 0.862 .


  30. Cronbach ′ s α was 0.90 and split-half reliability was 0.93 in the satisfaction questionnaire , and the cumulating contribution rate of the three common factors whose feature value > 1 was 58.2 % .
