- n.立体派艺术家;立体派画家
- adj.立体派的;立体主义的

The museum houses several of his Cubist masterpieces .
By this time it was less easy to discern a single Cubist school .
In both style and subject , his Cubist works became even more unrestricted .
The third chapter turns to the internal tension between Cubist collages and mass culture .
Even the zig-zag camouflage used in modern warfare was suggested by Cubist art .
Cubist artists painted objects and people , with different aspects of the object or person showing at the same time .
In Tender Buttons , images and phrases often come together in surprising ways & similar in manner to cubist painting .
France Cubist painter Bo Lake in 1911 by the " Portuguese " pioneering this method .
In the Cubist tradition , Caro has long seized on found objects and used them as the basis for his sculptures .
Its tall arches were instantly recognizable from Braque 's Cubist paintings .
Clearly , so-called QR codes small square patterns that look like Cubist renderings of a traditional barcode ( right ) have become ubiquitous .
Cubism artists directly to the canvas are finished collage to form a so-called " comprehensive painting ", this collage has become a symbol of integrated Cubist painting .
He started off with kinematic experiments derived from the still novel cinema and used its special capability of showing successive sequences in the course of motion in a cubist or futuristic manner .
With SPIRAL the work of Fumihiko Maki , as analytical object , this article expounds the theory of architecture related to the innovation of painting in the vision of cubist art .
The previous colorization for night-vision technology did not take the relationship between scene depth and the color expression of the image into account , depriving the colorized night vision image of cubist vision .
Visitors encounter what looks like a Cubist sailboat , with glass sails and spinnakers rising above the tree line and billowing simultaneously fore , aft , port and starboard .
Eliot 's Waste Land ( 1922 ); the Cubist paintings of Picasso and Braque ; and the12-note music of Webern and Schoenberg .
From the Cubist collages of Picasso and Braque to the final works of Matisse , artists in the West have used cut paper forms for a wide variety of formal and expressive purposes .
In 1910 , he painted " Rio Tinto Factories at L'Estaque , " a Cubist study in grays and browns that is now in the collection of the Pompidou Center .
Since the early 20th century Cubist painters started painting the introduction of ready-made materials , trying to break the traditional painting of the " false reality " - that is , two-dimensional plane in the tradition of depicting three-dimensional perspective technique .
But Les Femmes d'Alger may never be displayed publicly in Qatar to avoid offending Islamic sensibilities because it depicts women 's breasts , even though they were painted in the artist 's highly stylised cubist form 。
This Cubist vision of the world introduced a new period in the history of art and influenced all the forms of self-expression in the first half of the twentieth century : sculpture , architecture , ballet , theater design , and all the decorative arts .