cultural pluralism

美 [ˈkʌltʃərəl ˈplʊrəlɪzəm]英 [ˈkʌltʃərəl ˈplʊərəlɪzəm]
  • 网络多元文化主义;多元主义;文化多元主义;文化多元论;文化多元
cultural pluralismcultural pluralism
  1. Cultural pluralism , critics contend , promotes rivalry and divisions .


  2. The issues of globalization are mainly those of cultures . Cultural pluralism is a characteristic of contemporary global situation .


  3. The Cultural Pluralism of Science and Technology in the Course of History


  4. The cultural pluralism of science and technology is the basic element and internal power for its own development .


  5. This new type of cultural pluralism is completely unknown in the history of mankind .


  6. Economic Globalization and Cultural Pluralism


  7. Cultural pluralism will be strengthened in the context of globalization during the21st century .


  8. Cultural Pluralism and Translation Strategies


  9. Cultural Pluralism and Ethnic Minorities Bilingual Teaching


  10. Canada is a nation with the characteristics of multiethnic and cultural pluralism .


  11. In theory , human being can carry out the harmonious intergrowth of the cultural pluralism and global economic integration .


  12. With the globalization of market economy and the wide spread of information , the age of global cultural pluralism has arrived .


  13. The University Curriculum in the Context of Cultural Pluralism & Some Thoughts on Developing " Religious Cultures " as a Common Course


  14. An open international metropolis should be one with cultural pluralism , where people with different cultural backgrounds coexist peacefully and develop together .


  15. This historical change casts a mysterious veil for their survival in the American multi-ethnic and cultural pluralism society .


  16. Feyerabend advocated cultural pluralism , it had significant practice meaning to oppose culture hegemonism and develop our folk culture .


  17. With economic globalization and the deepening of cultural pluralism , terrorism has brought a variety of threats and crises to China .


  18. On the basis of Marxism 's culture and philosophy theory , this paper analyses the Bai people 's culture belong to the melting of cultural pluralism .


  19. Cultural pluralism is the overall characteristic of modern world , so there are theoretic as well as practical differences between constitutional identifications in this context .


  20. College " Morality Bank " throws a new light on ideological and political education in colleges and universities under circumstances of cultural pluralism and socialist market economy .


  21. It includes both the advanced level of modernization of different nations in the world , and the process to catch-up or keep this advanced level with the cultural pluralism from a policy perspective .


  22. This effort becomes even more important because nowadays the acceleration of world economy integration , national and ethnic cultural pluralism , and the increasing demand of the individuals are faced with unprecedented challenges .


  23. The anti-fascist organizations and supporters of cultural pluralism and tolerance will sit up , knowing that these little signs could escalate some time into full-blown fascism .


  24. In the social background of the increasingly cultural pluralism , Huizhou folk graphic symbol unique culture , education , artistic determines the Huizhou folk graphic symbol of heritage and development of great significance .


  25. Creature diversity decides the national difference and cultural pluralism , and cultural pluralism not only affected the human society greatly , but also the development of all the knowledge fields including the system of world history subject .


  26. Increasing heterogeneity of populations , greater cultural pluralism , higher immigration , democratization of governments , changing national borders , greater economic growth and the lack of accepted social ideas of right and wrong .


  27. Globalization posits not only problems of homogeneity but also problems of cultural pluralism , for example , the problem of whether the cultural classics of ancient times can serve as the spiritual resources for the identity of ethnic cultures .


  28. The factors such as the information network , market economy , high-tech economy globality and the cultural pluralism in knowledge-based economy times all have influenced on university students ' morality , and they also put forward new tasks for moral education in colleges and universities .


  29. Important ethics and values in many people there increasingly indifferent , and some even directly being abandoned at the same time , and the burgeoning market economy , the value of social and cultural pluralism has gradually become an important trend in the field of life .


  30. With this , it has developed from a single orientation , through an integrated model , to an all-round development , which provides valuable experience for representing the cultural pluralism in the minority frontier areas of China with the national mainstream culture as the background .
