
For example , retrieving the current time information using System . currentTimeMillis () is rather expensive .
Beyond these issues with currentTimeMillis (), there 's also another concern with using a timer method of any form for monitoring program execution .
Note the generated attribute on the cart element , which is a timestamp produced by System . currentTimeMillis () .
One problem is resolution : System . currentTimeMillis , as its name indicates , returns a result with only nominal millisecond resolution ( see Resources ) .
As the name implies , nanoTime () returns a time value in nanoseconds , providing a precision a million times greater than the currentTimeMillis () method .
The randomness of the number is seeded using java . util . Random , which is , in turn , seeded using a value from System . currentTimeMillis () .
One issue with currentTimeMillis () is that even though the time value is returned as a count of milliseconds , there are no guarantees about the granularity or accuracy of the count returned .
Where name specifies the API method being requested and utc_milliseconds is the UTC time in milliseconds ( in Java , this is equivalent to the call System . currentTimeMillis ()) .