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  • 网络连续波多普勒;粗木质残体;改变工作目录;写入延迟;慢性消耗性疾病
  1. Most children with an extensive disease require a CWD procedure .


  2. CWD is considered to be a perfect quadratic time-frequency analysis method for seismic response signal .


  3. Multi-moving targets detection based on p_0 order CWD in MMW radar


  4. Chinese Word Distinguishing ( CWD ) is one of the differences between Chinese processing and alphabetic writing language processing .


  5. The Fort Collins facility became a CWD death trap .


  6. With the decay degree 's decreasing , the capacity of CWD water-holding decreases .


  7. For years , researchers thought CWD resulted from nutritional deficiencies , poisoning , or stress from confinement .


  8. Six other patients ( all at least middle-aged ) raised suspicions about the CWD risk to humans .


  9. Composition 、 Carbon Storage and Decomposition of CWD in Evergreen and Secondary Forest of Lingshi M Ts


  10. More important were the mountains and other natural barriers , which scientists expected would keep CWD from spreading rapidly out of the endemic area .


  11. As the pulse signals were non-stable signals , the method based on Choi-Williams distribution ( CWD ) was used for pulses signals analysis .


  12. Coarse Woody Debris ( CWD ) in a Spruce-fir Valley Forest in Xiao Hinggan Mountains , China


  13. The distribution of CWD biomass on three topographic levels ( topographic position , aspect , and slope ) showed no significant difference ( P 0.05 ) .


  14. The application 's working directory is / var / spool / mqueue , as indicated by the cwd row .


  15. The CWD is sensi_tive to gypsum contents , especially in the range 0 & 30 % ( in mass ) .


  16. The cwd value refers to the application 's current working directory , which is the directory that the application was started from , unless it has changed the directory itself .


  17. In view of the superiority and the pathogenesis of depression , we used ancient prescription-Chaiqin Wendan Decoction ( CWD ) to intervene and further explored its mechanism .


  18. As a important part of forest ecosystem , CWD play its hydrological functions by influencing the redistribution of through precipitation and micro-environment in forest and inversely influenced by outside environment and its water-absorption capability .


  19. The test results showed that the rabbits appeared stronger immune response to RHD 、 CWD and PMD the 4th day and 14th day after vaccinating with the three combined vaccine ( 2ml / rabbit ) .


  20. Up to decay stage III , CWD grades 1,2 , and 3 lost its weight and carbon by 36 % , 48 % and 43 % , and 33 % , 47 % and 19 % , respectively .


  21. Expressed as a m ( w ) / m ( c )( including gypsum ), the CWD for complete hydration of a typical clinker ranges from approximately 0.37 to 0.62 as gypsum contents increase from 0 to 30 % .


  22. Global estimation of carbon stored in detritus should include CWD in future , otherwise , it is possible to underestimate 2 16 × 10 ~ ( 13 ) kg of global carbon storage in forest detritus , or relative error in system is 2 10 % .


  23. CWD is considered to be the major part in forest woody debris and it is primarily composed of logs , snags , stumps and large branches , while FWD is mainly consisted of small twigs and is much less ecologically functional as compared to CWD .
