
  • n.桥粒(上皮细胞膜中的局部增厚部分)
  1. But there are no desmosome structure in this two implantation ways .


  2. An Ultrastructural Study and Discussion on Differentiation of Human Desmosome


  3. An Electron Microscopic Observation on Formation of Cytoplasmic Desmosome from Some Carcinoma Cells


  4. Objective : To measure the expression of desmosome - related proteins in Bowen 's disease .


  5. There exist cell junctions ( desmosome ) between the two spermatids .


  6. Under TEM , ultrastructure of LECs , desmosome - like structures and so on were observed .


  7. And in one case of SCC , CD54 colloid gold particles were also detected on tonofilament desmosome complex .


  8. Gap junction may only be revealed on the appositional surfaces of adjacent liver cells , desmosome is not observed ;


  9. There were the scattering desmosomes or the desmosome strings ;


  10. Hypolemmal cistern with in perinodal loops and desmosome strings between the loops of peripheral nerves in human fetus


  11. Objective : Pemphigus is an organ-specific autoimmune blistering skin disease , which specific auto-antibodies to keratinocyte desmosome component could be detected in serum .


  12. In a case of short limb malformation , the perinodal loops were thinner , there were more desmosome strings between the loops .


  13. A lot of atypical junction between Sertoli cells and germ cells , such as resemble desmosome and intermediate junction can be observed from the 17th day of embryo .


  14. It was demonstrated by light and transmission electron microscopy that the desmosome between the spinous cells is clear and the basement membrane is continuous and intact in the composite graft site .


  15. Results With the progress of oral carcinogenesis , regular changes of epithelial cell were showed : decrease in tonofibril , keratohyaline granules , desmosome ; and increase in mitochondria .


  16. Results At the 10th week after constriction , the structure of cadherin , desmosome and gap junction in intercalated discs were destroyed , gap of intercellular space widened .


  17. In the preantral follicle , the thickness of base membrane did not change with follicular size . In primordial follicle . only desmosome could be seen between oocyte and granulose cell .


  18. Because both of these materials can be acquired largely , desmosome component can be picked-up from them . They provide material resources for molecular research of the target antigens of Pemphigus and Bullous Pemphigus .


  19. Objective To explore the changes of ultrastructural characteristics including interstitial space dilation ( ISD ) and the number of desmosome in non-erosive gastroesophageal reflux disease ( NERD ) with abnormal and normal oesophageal acid exposure .


  20. The clinicopathologic diagnosis of paraneoplastic pemphigus was confirmed by biopsy of tumor for Castleman 's disease , direct immunofluorescence staining of linear C3 deposition in the cutaneous basal layer and indirect immunofluorescence staining of IgG against desmosome between keratinocytes .


  21. However , the Golgi 's bodies , the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the surface microvilli of the cells , the intercellular junctions such as tight junction , interdigitation and desmosome or acinic cavity construction were noted much more in the ABM than those in the G.
