desperate struggle

美 [ˈdespərət ˈstrʌɡl]英 [ˈdespərət ˈstrʌɡl]
  • 孤注一掷的斗争
desperate struggledesperate struggle
  1. I heard sounds of a desperate struggle in the next room .


  2. People were putting every bit of their remaining strength into this last desperate struggle .


  3. They are involved in a desperate struggle for freedom .


  4. Recently , 4 operation person become " nail door " put up a desperate struggle .


  5. I heard sounds of a desperate struggle , just above my room .


  6. As things fall apart and they 're thrust into a desperate struggle .


  7. This has enabled him up to now to resist in the desperate struggle .


  8. And in this present war the attack on Stalingrad is the expression of the last desperate struggle of fascism itself .


  9. The portrait of Mary represents the desperate struggle and lonely resistance of a 19th Century American woman under the pressure of a traditional society .


  10. The rise of the forces of fascism and the war of aggression they have been conducting for some years are precisely the expression of such a last desperate struggle ;


  11. There is , he was to protect children and animals , regardless of danger , desperate struggle with the bad guys , the kind of justice , I have admiration for .


  12. The vicious bandits had to put up a desperate struggle and be killed or to give up and be executed ; they were between Scylla and Charybdis .


  13. Of course there is few stubborn Yin energy that tends to put up a desperate struggle , even arising all at once , and antagonize the strong Orthodox School field by producing many destructive ideas .


  14. On the other hand , mices desperate struggle when dying expresses a strong death consciousness , but it is still in natural layer , which result it the division of feeling between lives and deaths .


  15. But our army is smaller and smaller later , so a lot of people begin forsake darkness for light , begin drop in successionSmoke , remnant us a few diehard are over there " put up a desperate struggle " .


  16. He still holds his weapon , as if putting up a desperate last ditch struggle . The cellist 's bowing was very sensitive .
