- n.决定论者
- determinist的复数

The determinists swear that nothing could possibly have occurred in its place .
The irony is many who label others genetic determinists seem to be awfully skeptical of the power of human institutions to modulate the outcomes contingent upon a basic psychological template .
The determinist doctrines in question maintained that certain people were born to be slaves .
But according to the determinist , they must occur .
The technological determinist , however , is the opposite of dialectical $
Mark Twain was a determinist . Yet he never ceased to scold the human race .
The determinist geopolitics strongly believes that geography determines politics , makes the source of power and gives directions of decision-making .
The determinist , or should that be fatalist , view of history says we should not be surprised .
Possibilists forsake determinist fatalism by being very aware of man 's activity and free choice before environmental possibilities .
On Uncertainty : Standpoint of a Determinist
One is to rely on to develop science and technology advocates in favor of relying solely on technological progress will solve ecological problems of the existing technology determinist .
On the objectivity of the laws of social history , western historical determinists asserted : there are objective-in-itself laws in the social history , while non-determinists denied them .
Former historical determinists tend to put an emphasis on the necessity and objective regularity of historical development , and human beings are considered no more than instruments for the achievement of a certain kind of mysterious aims ;
The assault on biological determinism that geneticists have now triggered will be timely , and that human nature is a lot more complex and intriguing than determinists have given it credit for .
For it was the leading thinkers of the Whig and Marxist historical determinist school who infected mankind with the concept that we were progressing somewhere , moving towards a fixed , positive future point .
What 's more , most of the new-Confucianists are moral determinists . This decides that the theories they preach to a great degree are not the driving force but the great obstacles to the development of modernization .
Its eulogistic associations have so far overshadowed ~ all the rest of its meaning that both parties claim the sole right to use it , and determinists today insist that they alone are freedom 's champions .
If ground motion is treated as a random process , PGA is not a determinist value and involves randomness , and then its appearance is associated a certainty probability . So PGA does not reflect the destructive effect of the whole earthquake ground motion time history .