- n.德国

Cold sparkling made me feel to have been back in Deutschland .
Duales System Deutschland and Its Revelation to the Waste Management in China
Deutschland also received high scores in economics , helping the nation to place second overall among all three criteria .
In Nazi Deutschland , Jews were terminated like rats .
Duales System Deutschland and Packaging Garbage Treatment
Previously , she was the FT 's Taipei correspondent and world news editor at Financial Times Deutschland .
The Roman law of the middle age was prospective when the 14th century approached in the district of Deutschland .
Japan and Deutschland are global drivers of industrial innovation and can go toe-to-toe with each other in this sphere .
We 're on our way to deutschland , deutschland !
Taxi Deutschland said that it still believed that Uber was acting unlawfully and that it would appeal the decision in the coming month .
Support for the bloc has dipped , while the rightwing Alternative f ü r Deutschland has gained ground to about 8 per cent .
It is hardly surprising that a large number of supporters of the anti-immigrant Alternative f ü r Deutschland party are former SPD voters .
When we were in Yugoslavia , a lot oftourists came from England , Deutschland , and from other countries from Europe , but now from everywhere again .
It 's first course in France , dinner in Deutschland , ah , sweets in Switzerland , and if the date is right , a bonus awaits .
Fred Irwin , president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Germany and vice chairman of Citigroup , Global Markets Deutschland AG , Frankfurt , Germany .
I don 't want Deutschland ü ber alles , because I 'm an Anglophile .
Exclusions : The following regional variants are not-compatible with this upgrade : Germany ( Telekom Deutschland ), North America , South Korea , and Japan .
Er spricht so gut Deutsch , als w ? re er lange in Deutschland gewesen .
Bonn ist die Hauptstadt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland .
In the morning we would leave Braunschweig , Martin asked me what impressed me most in Deutschland . I thought about a while and replied : " Children . "
CC criteria is a security evaluation criteria which has been established by the United State , Canada , Britain , Deutschland , France and Holland , etc. The CC provides the security policy in a great extent .
G + J was expected to pay about half up-front and the rest in the form of annual licence fees for the brand " ft Deutschland " , which it will control for 10 years .
In the first small part , I recite the background and course of the forming of German volk-consciousness , it is the development of German volk-consciousness from feudal Deutschland till the period of Enlightenment ;
Was haben Sie in Deutschland vor ?
Because of his viewpoint on nation and state remained on the basis of autocratic rule by feudal dynasty , the unified Deutschland was not a nation-state in its modern sense , and there still existed the crisis of legality and national problems .
Was moechten Sie in Deutschland studieren ?
Taxi Deutschland , the consortium of taxi operators that brought the Frankfurt case , accuses Uber of " [ wrapping ] itself in a start-up look and selling itself as a new economy saviour " while hurting the public good .
The judges were sympathetic to the arguments of Taxi Deutschland , a trade body that had brought the initial case against Uber , claiming that the service competed unfairly with local taxis , said Arne Hasse , a spokesman for the Frankfurt court .
Sigmar Gabriel , leader of the opposition Social Democrats , said banks and the financial markets had worked " massively against the common good " - because politicians let them . ( He was in government until October 2009 . ) Attac Deutschland , a longer-standing anti-globalisation group , joined up with Occupy Frankfurt .