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dinner jackets

美 [ˈdɪnər ˈdʒækɪts]英 [ˈdɪnə(r) ˈdʒækɪts]
  • n.(男式,配蝶形领结的)晚礼服,无尾礼服
  • dinner jacket的复数
dinner jacketsdinner jackets

dinner jackets


  • 1
    N-COUNT (男子在正式社交场合穿的)无尾礼服,黑色小礼服
    A dinner jacket is a jacket, usually black, worn by men for formal social events.

  1. Dinner jackets are the order of the day for the annual ball .


  2. Second-hand dinner jackets have long been the preserve of British undergraduates with a penchant for Brideshead Revisited styling , to the extent that they are a staple part of the English Aristo version of preppy .


  3. Harry caught a glimpse of Uncle Vernon and Dudley in bow ties and dinner jackets .


  4. They were obviously off to a party somewhere because they were all togged out in dinner jackets and ball-gowns .


  5. Wearing dinner jackets and ball gowns , diners indulged in their three-course meal at the outdoor swimming pool at The Park Club in Acton , west London .
