
美 [dɪˈsoʊʃieɪts]英 [dɪˈsəʊʃieɪts]
  • v.把…分开(或看作是无关联的);声明不支持;否认同…有关系;表明无关
  • dissociate的第三人称单数



  • 1
    VERB (通常指为了避免麻烦和责难而)与…断绝关系,表明与…没有关系
    If you dissociate yourself from something or someone, you say or show that you are not connected with them, usually in order to avoid trouble or blame.

    It is getting harder for the president to dissociate himself from the scandal.


  • 2
    VERB 把…分开;使分离
    If you dissociate one thing from another, you consider the two things as separate from each other, or you separate them.

    Almost the first lesson they learn is how to dissociate emotion from reason.


  • The war between the sexes should not result in their complete dissociation from one another.


  1. It dissociates us from the external temperature , the environmental temperature .


  2. Under appropriate conditions , hemoglobin dissociates into its four subunits .


  3. The one-sided wealth view which dissociates material wealth from spiritual wealth would lead to moral ruin .


  4. The GC analysis for product shows that methane dissociates on spongy Ni catalyst in multi-step .


  5. In the dissociates of PEG precipitated patients sera specific antigen were detected in 58.8 % ( 60 / 102 ) .


  6. Methanol dissociates to CO and H on platinum electrode , on which CO is strongly adsorbed and accordingly becomes a detrimental intermediate .


  7. Traditional education separates the both , dissociates the both and become one kind of the inactive strength hindering from educating effect , producing a lot of destructive influence .


  8. Following the ionization through radiation of ultraviolet , the ClNO + dissociates directly via the breaking of Cl-N bond .


  9. SRP dissociates from the receptor and the nascent polypeptide chain is translocated through the channel into the ER lumen .


  10. In addition , we find that , in the presence of dissipation , the critical field that dissociates a polaron is reduced , but for generation , it is increased .


  11. Using a monoclonal antibody F1 , two ELISA methods for detecting the circulating immune complexes and antigens in dissociates by 8M urea after PEG precipitation of sera were developed .


  12. NF3 has a relatively short atmospheric lifetime ( 740 years ) and dissociates more readily than C2F6 and CF4.HF ultimately diffuses down to the troposphere where it is removed by wet deposition .


  13. An electric regeneration method of ion exchange resins was invented . The electric regeneration method uses water as a regenerant . In a DC electric field , the water dissociates into H + and OH - ions , which regenerates exhausted ion exchange resins .


  14. But for the LK , one or more kink pairs are produced under relatively higher temperature and shear stress conditions . Moreover , RK dissociates into the RC + reconstruction defect structure under the similar conditions . All of them take part in the motion of LK and RK .
