
美 [duː ˈgʊdərz]英 [duː ˈgʊdəz]
  • n.帮倒忙的人;帮忙不得法的人
  • do-gooder的复数



  • 1
    N-COUNT 帮倒忙的人;好心办坏事的人
    If you describe someone as a do-gooder, you mean that they do things which they think will help other people, although you think that they are interfering.

  1. It 's not some random do-gooders that she 's met along the way .


  2. New research has revealed the do-gooders amongst us live longer than the meaner , less charitable people .


  3. Volunteers of America lets would-be do-gooders search positions by interest , and some municipalities provide similar services .


  4. Most significantly it developed a reputation as a bastion of socially minded do-gooders who were less focused on maximizing profit .


  5. This " rock-star group " of do-gooders includes Charity : water , invisible children , Movember , and pencils of promise .


  6. Impatient would-be sponsors - " an angry mob of do-gooders , " The Star called them - have been seeking more families .


  7. In his London the rich cannot escape the poor , and the do-gooders and swindlers quaff ale elbow-to-elbow .


  8. Eco-Barons profiles other do-gooders , including Andy Frank , who created the plug-in hybrid car , but those stories are less compelling than Humes'description of Tompkins .


  9. Already beset by aftershocks , incessant rain and mudslides , relief efforts in China 's quake-stricken Yunnan province have run into another impediment : a flood of do-gooders champing at the bit to help .


  10. Hollywood star Jolie commanded the greatest public respect of all celebrity public do-gooders this year due to her work as a U.N. goodwill ambassador and she is now the adoptive mother of two African children and a Cambodian child .
