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  1. The DoDAF structures architectural information around views .


  2. Consistency within and among DoDAF views is critical .


  3. An example of C2 air-defense system is used to illustrate part of DoDAF products design process .


  4. The overall process of producing DoDAF views is both iterative and incremental .


  5. The DoDAF focuses on modeling the relationships between significant architectural elements of the operational enterprise .


  6. This avoids consistency errors between DoDAF operational and systems views , even across company boundaries .


  7. All graphical model elements associated with DoDAF stereotypes are automatically captured in this manner .


  8. An optimal approach to DoDAF compliance does not require divergent effort from the primary objective of developing the system .


  9. Optimal derivation of DoDAF views necessitates consistent modeling at multiple levels of abstraction ( i.e. , systems decomposition ) .


  10. DoDAF content provides us with a " window " into the architecture that we can leverage as we incrementally define the system .


  11. Moreover , you can leverage the invaluable engineering information captured in the DoDAF products to reduce risk to cost and schedule during systems development .


  12. In addition , Rational System Architect is the most widely used enterprise architecture solution in support of the Department of Defense Architecture Framework ( DoDAF ) .


  13. The DoDAF Operational View is composed of various products that provide multiple perspectives on the external structure and behavior of the subject system in the overall enterprise context .


  14. Rational System Architect provides the capabilities for building models representing Department of Defense ( DoD ) architectures , auto-generating DoDAF work products and reports .


  15. He has been a developer at Rational , sales technical representative , and is the principal designer and author of the IBM Rational DoDAF plugin .


  16. Companies doing business with the DoD are tasked to comply with some or all of the DoDAF as they propose their systems .


  17. In the approach described here , you can produce the AV-1 document using a word processor and associate reference links with the model containing the visual DoDAF products .


  18. Augmenting the minimal set of DoDAF representations with class and composite structure diagrams ( referencing collaborations and collaboration occurrences , respectively ) may prove worthwhile .


  19. The remainder of this article introduces you to the DoDAF and illustrates how you can address DoDAF compliance requirements in the context of describing an enterprise architecture .


  20. The DoDAF All Views ( AV ) products provide a summary of the environment in which the subject systems are to be developed , deployed , and managed during their evolution .


  21. Each IER 's content represents an instantiation of an OV-6c IO Entity class ( see below ), where the attributes represent the data characteristics that the DoDAF requires .


  22. Note : Some implementers have elected to create this diagram but show little , if any , mapping between the OV-4 and the remainder of the DoDAF views .
