
  1. The dom4j tool requires little effort , as you 'll now see .


  2. By using different factories for the dom4j document build you can get documents constructed from different families of components .


  3. Based on the present implementations I 'd recommend dom4j rather than JDOM for anyone starting a new project .


  4. The tool you 'll use here is dom4j , which allows you to parse XML data into a Java object .


  5. Dom4j is again the clear best , and AXIOM the worst by a considerable margin .


  6. Clients then use some scheme to transfer these files into local storage , and you can use dom4j to parse and modify the file data .


  7. The grunt work is handled by dom4j .


  8. Given dom4j 's performance , stability , and feature-set advantages , you should consider it a strong candidate for most projects .


  9. On memory use , dom4j is again best , but in this contest AXIOM is the undisputed loser .


  10. The top-level code for dom4j is a little more involved than that for JDOM , but it works along very similar lines .


  11. As with DOM and dom4j , before doing anything with AXIOM you need to get a factory that builds the component objects of the model .


  12. JAXB , Quick , and Zeus all turn in respectable performance figures compared to dom4j , but take nearly twice as long as JiBX overall .


  13. Among the three leading contenders in the ease of use category , dom4j differs from the others in using an interface-based approach with multiple layers of inheritance .


  14. Dom4j offers better performance than any of the data binding approaches in this area , beating JiBX by a smidgen and Zeus by not much more .


  15. Dom4j combines DOM-like interfaces with Java collections classes for a very flexible API that offers a lot of power & at the cost of some complexity .


  16. One potential use is to allow portions of a document to be mapped to and from a document model ( such as DOM , JDOM , or dom4j ) .


  17. There 's not nearly as much variation here as in the input tests , though the fact that dom4j does better than any of the data binding frameworks suggests that they all still have room for improvement .


  18. JDOM , dom4j , and Electric XML all come across in these code samples as about equally easy to use , with EXML perhaps the easiest and dom4j the more difficult by small margins .


  19. I have seen many requests for a comparison of SAX , DOM , JDOM , and dom4j to JAXP , but making such comparisons is impossible because the first four APIs serve a completely different purpose from JAXP .
