
美 [ˈduːmɪŋ]英 [ˈduːmɪŋ]
  • v.使…注定失败(或遭殃、死亡等)
  • doom的现在分词



  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT 厄运;劫数;毁灭
    Doom is a terrible future state or event which you cannot prevent.

    ...his warnings of impending doom.


  • 2
    N-UNCOUNT 悲观;沮丧
    If you have a sense or feeling of doom, you feel that things are going very badly and are likely to get even worse.

    Why are people so full of gloom and doom?...


  • 3
    VERB 注定;命定;使在劫难逃
    If a fact or event dooms someone or something to a particular fate, it makes certain that they are going to suffer in some way.

    That argument doomed their marriage to failure.


  1. The opposite of this would be equivalent to foolishly constructing building without a firm foundation , thus , dooming it to collapse sooner or later .


  2. During the 1930s they slammed tight against Jews desperate to exit the Reich dooming them to destruction .


  3. In July total , Chevron and Gazprom all signed contracts with the Kurdistan Regional Government , potentially dooming their chances of winning future business in the south .


  4. I 'm dooming myseif to a lifetime .


  5. The final issue supposedly dooming the A-share market is the unlocking of the non-tradable shares and the threat that the current holders of such shares will flood the market .


  6. While in London I couldn 't leave my house without falling over a jogger , here I have to contend with fried dumplings and the pancake stall before I even clear my building , dooming any attempt to run outside to instant failure .


  7. One lantern , however , became tangled in electrical lines . The student 's mother looked devastated - for this , according to local belief , was a bad omen , all but dooming her child to finishing " below the line " on the gaokao .
