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  • n.门槛


the sill of a door;a horizontal piece of wood or stone that forms the bottom of a doorway and offers support when passing through a doorway
Synonym: doorstep threshold


  1. Step on the Doorsill of the Third Millennium ── Rethinking of Industry Design


  2. Estate company can process prophase intervention , which can reduce the management cost ( Doorsill analysis theory may prove it . ) and improve credit standing of company .


  3. But on the doorsill of her home the picture grew blurred .


  4. He walked out into the dim hall and picked up the hat he had dropped on the doorsill .


  5. To improve the question of financing for SMB and implement financing directly energetically , you must decrease the doorsill coming into the market for SMC .


  6. After China entered the WTO , it has brought forward severe challenges such as the lowered market doorsill the quickened step of marketing premium and the improved product diversity .


  7. The price of gold is original tall , the product investment cost with big heavy gram is high also , this makes numerous and average investor difficult stride a doorsill .


  8. In the world , like in IBM , HP , SUN , corresponding resolutions have been put forward respectively , but the high prices keeps many enterprises out of the doorsill .


  9. Make " doorsill line " , " seal top line " basically be to consider to plan as a whole of fund bear ability , make sure income and expenses is balanced .


  10. I stumped my toe against the doorsill .


  11. He stubbed his toe against the doorsill .


  12. Once this company steps across this doorsill from the microscopic view , he will get the listed qualification and the following work for him is how to issue stocks reasonably , collect funds effectively .


  13. But because of the market relatively unregulated , industry admittance doorsill is low , resulting in the sources of funds , products , operations , personnel structure , and risk control and there exist many problems .


  14. By means of the literature reviewing , spot investigation , diseases analysis , comparative research , it was discovered that diseases types of ground and doorsill of Longmen Grottoes were various . They are decaying rapidly and seriously .


  15. Clothing industry belongs to a traditional industry , his technique content 's level is not high , his entrance doorsill is very low , and his market capability plasticity is very large , therefore , the clothing industry 's competition is very severely .


  16. With the development of security market-oriented reform and standardization , the security market degree and the market transparency go higher , the entering doorsill lowers , and lots of new competitors swarm into market . So security market competition is becoming more intensified .


  17. All people , in a word , would come stumbling over their thresholds , and turning up their amazed and horror-stricken visages around the scaffold . He stubbed his toe against the doorsill .


  18. With the deepen of market opening policy in China , and the lower of doorsill that foreign company invest in China ; the foreign capital inclines to take M & A mode into Chinese market . It also becomes a trend that concerning Foreign Direct Investment in China .


  19. The function of evidence striving for both procedural and substantial rights of party in civil litigation is undoubted , and the evidence party refers to court when his impleading is significant and decides whether party can pass the doorsill of lawsuit .


  20. Through studying the spillover effect of manufacturing RD other departmental RD and foreign RD , we analysis the affection factor of China 's total factors productivity ( TFP ) and the absorbency of spillover from different country and the doorsill value of spillovers .


  21. Because the private placements has the advantages of the low doorsill and cost financing , the high efficiency , short issuing period and other advantages , and quickly became the main method of equity refinance after the reform of non-tradable shares of stock right in China .


  22. By analyzing some conditions to set up unfixed-term labor contract , puts forward that the legislation of unfixed-term labor contract in our country installs the overtop doorsill for unfixed-term labor contract , restricts the principal part scope to set up unfixed-term labor contract .
