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  • 网络争端解决机制;《争端解决规则与程序的谅解》;关于争端解决规则与程序的谅解;硬件调试单元;争端解决了解书
  1. Remarkable Amending of DSU Retaliation System and the Corresponding Strategy of Our Country


  2. Comparing analysis between data from analog geophone and DSU


  3. The panel procedure of DSU has made successful innovations in solving international economic dispute in many aspects .


  4. DSU and Characters of State Responsibility Under WTO Chinese and Europe Union textile trade conflict analysis and countermeasure research


  5. The Dispute Settlement Understanding ( DSU ) shall apply to such consultations .


  6. A Brief Discussion about the Right of WTO Panel to Seek Information & An Analysis of Article 13 of DSU


  7. Altogether , the DSU strengthened the retaliation system .


  8. The part of DSU about the implementation of dispute settlement exposed many flaws , which increase the difficulty of implementation .


  9. The control algorithms about DSU , Taper Head , Taper Tail are introduced to ensure flatness by maintaining steady rolling force .


  10. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph , the DSU shall apply to arbitrations conducted under this paragraph .


  11. On May 28,2004 , a special meeting , the members of the party agreed that the negotiations to modify the DSU still need more time .


  12. The fourth part summarizes the preconditions of applying WTO DSU to the field of competition law and the correspondent countermeasures adopted by out country .


  13. Hereinto , DSU is shorted for database storage unit . It is one subsystem of communication based train control ( CBTC ) system .


  14. To better DSU mechanism , the author proposes to strengthen the legal basis of the DSU mechanism and rebuild amicus curiae system .


  15. DSU has such features as : ( 1 ) the unity of dispute-settled procedures ;


  16. At present , the basic static data of DSU sub-system can only be input by hand , which means the accuracy and efficiency could not be guaranteed .


  17. Trade reprisal is the last method of developing country which is authorized by DSU , but it must be the loss outweighs the gain .


  18. Some of those problems had been brought forward at the negotiation meeting on amending DSU of Doha round , still no essential progress being made .


  19. In addition to speed , decorate-sort-undecorate ( DSU ) offers flexibility that sort with a comparison function argument just can 't match .


  20. But the DSU arbitration mechanism ( ARBITRATION ) were rarely discussed , even though they mentioned , did not engage in in-depth analysis and systematic studies .


  21. Negotiations to review and reform the DSU have been taking place since 1997 ( " DSU review " ), however , without yielding any result so far .


  22. The characterristics of the DSU arbitration mechanism is : limited autonomy , multilateralism , and the government and so on .


  23. About the calculation for the level of retaliation , it is only made a provision of principle in the DSU , which could be served as guides .


  24. There exist lots of leakages and defects in nowadays agriculture trade institution , such as AoA , SPS , TBT and DSU .


  25. Availability should be systematically monitored through service-level validation devices attached to WAN interfaces , such as intelligent DSU / CSUs .


  26. By amending rules and procedure , DSU strengthens multilateral system . DSU not only fully exerts retaliation 's deterrent , but also control retaliation effectively .


  27. DSM is a judicial mechanism , only those governmental members can take an action according to DSU , and attorney could joint the action as a representative of the government .


  28. As an important part of safety critical system , safe computing platforms have been loaded some application software , such as Zone Controller ( ZC ) and Data Service Unit ( DSU ) .


  29. The Appellate and Review Procedures of WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures is a new international trade dispute settlement procedures , the DSU set out a series of the review rules and procedures .


  30. DSU and DSU link
