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  • 网络耳虫;耳朵虫;玉米穗虫;有害幼虫;番茄夜蛾
  1. In a previous study by the University of Reading in 2009 , it was found that almost any song can become an earworm .


  2. Known as an earworm or brainworm , the effect has been studied before - but its cause , and how to get rid of it , is poorly understood .


  3. The brain region involved , the primary audio cortex , is also linked to earworm processing when people are awake .


  4. Brain scans showed more slow oscillations during sleep in the people who reported getting an earworm – a sign of memory reactivation .


  5. Like that earworm , I can 't get you out of my heart . So , what I 'm trying to say is , you 're my heartworm .


  6. Earworms were reported throughout the night by participants , with those catching5 an earworm taking longer to fall asleep , spending more time in the light stages of sleep , and waking up more times during the night .


  7. Infectiously-catchy earworm ' PPAP ' ( short for Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen ) was performed by DJ Piko-Taro , a fictional character played by Japanese entertainer Kazuhiko Kosaka .
