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easy to dismiss

美 [ˈiːzi tu dɪsˈmɪs]英 [ˈiːzi tu dɪsˈmɪs]
  • 很容易不加理会的
easy to dismisseasy to dismiss
  1. And it is so easy to dismiss those data .


  2. I think it 's too easy to dismiss the whole of religion that way .


  3. Given the recent movements of exchange rates , it might be easy to dismiss this possibility .


  4. Nor is it easy to dismiss the committee 's fears out of hand .


  5. It is easy to dismiss this as political opportunism .


  6. It would be easy to dismiss the " shareholder spring " as a spasm against bank pay .


  7. It would be easy to dismiss BYD as a darling stock that got ahead of itself .


  8. It is easy to dismiss all this as idiosyncratic .


  9. With so few examples , transmissible cancer has been easy to dismiss as an aberration .


  10. Experimental results indicate that computer suggestions compliment individual reader , and the majority of false positives are considered as easy to dismiss .


  11. " It would be easy to dismiss [ casual search behavior ] , except for the fact that people are doing it ," he says .


  12. It would be easy to dismiss the presence of McKinsey in such surroundings as just glib symbolism .


  13. SPAIN / / It 's easy to dismiss the Canary Islands as a package-tourism no man 's land .


  14. The disorder at the top of Yahoo and its failure to launch groundbreaking products make the company easy to dismiss as a basketcase .


  15. Until recently , it was easy to dismiss such ambitions as the hubristic musings of a young upstart .


  16. Since farmers adjust crop allocations to take advantage of higher prices , it is easy to dismiss swings in the supply and demand balance of grains as short-lived phenomena .


  17. It might be easy to dismiss this as pure science fiction , except that seven people were able to use the scientists ' hands-free control setup to fly successfully in a flight simulator .


  18. It 's easy to dismiss geophagy as a disgusting habit of children , a wacky pregnancy craving , or an exotic behaviour from far-away lands , but none of these approaches really do it justice .


  19. It 's easy to dismiss people who are trying to persuade you if you have no emotional stake in them or their argument . Really persuasive people know this , so they will be likeable and look for common ground to help establish emotional bonds and shared objectives .


  20. This is an easy way to dismiss practices that conflict with one 's own assumptions about the world .
