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  • 网络电子工程师;环境雌激素;工程方程求解器;脑电信号;座椅自动调节系统
  1. In addition , the boundary condition processes used in EES are also discussed .


  2. However , EES also provides a Law Enforcement Access Field ( LEAF ) .


  3. Separate arrest from detain and improve treatment of the detain ees ;


  4. Therefore , the paper presents the related indicators , characterization factors and corresponding equivalent factors for EEs assessment of land use in LCA .


  5. Chaos analysis of EES


  6. The dynamic modeling of a new kind of elastic launch system was made , which is also called the elastomeric ejection system ( EES ) .


  7. Objective To explore the clinical features of early epileptic seizures ( EES ) after intracerebral hemorrhage ( ICH ) .


  8. It has been reported that EES has an effect on the growth of rats ' hypothalamic neurons and glia cells .


  9. Comparision experiments were conducted for an explicit and economical explicit time integration scheme ( EES ) by use of a limited area numerical prediction model .


  10. Results The incidence of EES after ICH is8.31 % ;


  11. In this study , the preparation of molecularly imprinted polymers and their properties of veterinary drug EM and EEs were studied .


  12. Fourier Domain Multi-Resolution Analysis and Coherence Analysis for Symmetric Dual Channels EES ; A method for harmonic current detecting in power system based on wavelet transform is proposed .


  13. The reactions underwent the optimized condition , but to our regret , there are only moderate yields and low ees . 3 .


  14. The Inhibitory Effect of the Protein of Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker ( EES ) on Human Tongue Cancer Cell Line Tea-8113 in vitro


  15. At the same time , there will be broad application prospects if the ERs could be used as biosensor to monitor EEs in waters on-line .


  16. MIS is concerned with manufacturing activities , and EES is based on Intranet and Internet . Functions and contents of the system , executive network , and database support system are respectively explained .


  17. Cytochrome oxidase enzyme histochemical method were performed on sporozoite infected liver tissue of rats in order to study the ultrastructure of mature exoerythrocytic schizont ( EES ) .


  18. Objective To explore the effects of environmental estrogens ( EEs ) on testicular descent and expression of actin in gubernaculum testis ( GT ) of fetal male mice .


  19. Wave factors including the significant wave height and the wave orbital velocity near the bottom at the Yangtze River Estuary channel zone are simulated under the wind condition of 20m / s in the EES direction .


  20. A model of evolutionary game is designed and the EES solutions of the model are obtained by using the theory of differential equations . Based on the analysis we put forward the incentives mechanism for enterprises joining a cluster . 3 .


  21. Harmony degree of ecological subsystem took on a descending trend , and its RHD was from grade 7 to grade 4 ; economic subsystem acted an important role in the ascending trend of harmony degree of EES system .


  22. The Effectiveness Evaluation of C3I System ( EES ) is part and parcel of the study of C3I system theory , which has important application in C3I system . , Consisting of the design , the optimization for projects and argumentation for tactics index .


  23. By using a layered approach , separate a layer into an ordered set of layers , and then use the EES model to design their course layer by layer , including objects from each layer , which make it easier to design and maintain a flexible strategic e-leaming environment .


  24. The essential framework of EES includes repository , inference machine , interpreting machine and man-computer interface . An EES need reaching to the level of special knowledge and inferential ability of one or several field experts . The knowledge and inference are the cores of design of EES .


  25. The experimental results showed that , at hydraulic retention times ( HRT ) of 30h , the removal efficiency averaged 91.1 % on COD , 99.5 % on NH_4-N and 99.8 % on phenol in the Eco-Engineering System ( EES ) for coke-plant wastewater treatment .
