- 网络欧洲食品安全局;欧盟食品安全局;欧洲食品安全机构;欧盟食品安全管理局;欧盟食品安全委员会

The scientific GMO Panel of EFSA again came to the conclusion that there is no new scientific-based evidence to justify a national ban on MON810 .
Other companies plan to resubmit their data when it is clear what EFSA requires .
Industry players say EFSA is being too strict , but the European Commission is not swerving .
Those proposals have been endorsed by various European expert advisory committees , and may be introduced relatively soon ( EFSA , 2004 ) .
For example , Davies says that while EFSA gave an initial opinion on nutrient profiles , these are now being developed by the Commission with Member States .
The body that decides whether such claims are indeed backed by credible data is the European Food Safety Authority ( EFSA ), which provides scientific advice to the European Commission .
In2009 , the European Commission asked EFSA to re-assess the TDI for melamine and to determine likely levels of background exposure to melamine and related substances for both humans and animals .