- abbr.电子;electric 电的;electrical 电的

The elec - tric current intensity does not change magnetic field distribution .
Study of the EED Sensitive at Elec tric Bridge Structure
The movement of the elec trons gives rise to a current .
A compact high repetition rate elec - Tron beam accelerator with WIP electron gun
Forming by elec trophoresi sis a new process developed in the last decade for making the investment casting patterns .
The smooth business integration with elec Eltek group enables the group to strengthen its leadership position in the electronic components businesses .
The utilization and Development of Heat-reducing Energy Conservation Technology of Coating the Elec - trical Contact Surface with Electrical Compound Grease
Not Assigned ; Pneumatic ; Pneu w / Positioner ; Elec low voltage ; Elec line voltage
Through Ac_4 accelerated simulation test of life , the results indicate that the elec - tric contact material has good prospects for applications .
The deep electron traps accelerated the electron decay because of the strong bonding or deep elec - tron trap as recombination center .
The four similar characteristics , namely , motion form , system structure , effort form and elec - magnetic feature are induced about the macroscopic celestial system and the microcosmic particle system .
Huawei , the Chinese telecoms hardware maker , has unveiled an 87 per cent surge in handset sales revenues in the first half of 2015 and says its consumer elec
After calculating the standard elec - trode potentials of some electrode reactions concerned , many common chemical reagents capable of dissolving mercuric sulfide were predicted and experimentally verified .
No correlation with the survival rate . It is shown by cyclic voltammetry and rotating electrodes that the areas of glassy carbon elec - trodes are independent of pretreating methods .
This paper has reviewed the applications and future development of capillary elec - trophoresis in detection of human blood proteins such as serum protein , immunoglobin , isoenzyme , lipoprotein , hemoglobin in recent years .
In the pilot test . ilmenite concentrate from Pan Zhi Hua is directly smelted in 250 KVA closed elec - tric furnace for producing acid-soluble titania slag and pig iron .
The Electric Engineering Technique Economy Skill Database build the data warehouse with abundant of project data that the elec - tric power corporation already had , make use of the method of the data mining to get fast and precise quoted price .
The effect of different electron traps was different at electron decay in crystals . The shallow electron traps made the elec - tron decay slowly because that they prolonged the relaxation time of electron in conduction band .
The hydrolysis process of fluoborate is studied by using the fluoride ion selective electrode to determine the concentration of fluoride , and fluoborate ion selective elec - trode to determine the concentration of fluoborate .
Tops in the countryside are initial force and propellers to promote the competitiveness of elec - tion , they try every means to light up the villagers 9 will to vote and influence their choices of voting .
The electrolytic cell composed with new elec - trodes was used to treat the dyeing wastewater for studying the effects of processing interval , current and pH on the removal of COD_ ( Cr ), mercury and turbidity , respectively .
The Auger elec - tron spectroscope ( AES ) analysis of the fracture surface after the surfa - ce being sputter etched show that the bonding between SiC whisker and aluminium matrix is quite good .
Due to this special twist construction strengthening ratio will be raised up to 1.4 if the direc - tion of doubling twist is the same as that of single yarn , and it will make the elec - trostatic spinning method more economical .
Experimental results indicate that PSF and bacterial ferritin are able the to obtain reductive elec - trons from platinum electrode directly , showing that they are electrically active on the electrode , and AV cells can be successfully induced into ammonium-resistant strain .
There were 17 patients with inferior myocardial infarction , 7 with inferior-posterior and right ventricle myocardial infarction , 11 with anterior myocardial infarction , 8 with anterior-interior myocardial infarction and 8 patients with non-Q wave infarction diagnosed firstly by the clinic elec trocardiogram .
After the patients'sera and urine were mixed with Kappa and Lambda light chain antiserum , human antiserum and IgG , IgA , IgM , IgD , IgE anti-serum , the samples were measured with immuno-electrophoresis , immunoglobulin-detecting and acetate fibre elec - trophoresis .