electric blankets

美 [ɪˈlektrɪk ˈblæŋkɪts]英 [ɪˈlektrɪk ˈblæŋkɪts]
  • n.电热毯
  • electric blanket的复数
electric blanketselectric blankets

electric blankets


  • 1
    N-COUNT 电热毯
    An electric blanket is a blanket with wires inside it which carry an electric current that keeps the blanket warm.

  1. All Dreamland 's electric blankets are guaranteed for three years .


  2. The following items are approved for use in residential rooms : electric blankets , hair dryers , personal computers , radios , televisions and DVD players .


  3. Evaluation of Key Safety and Performance Specifications of Electric Blankets


  4. Caiyang Anxin series of electric blankets are produced by professional production enterprise .


  5. Blanket of regenerated fibres ( excl. electric blankets and specially shaped animal blankets )


  6. Because of the exceptional demand for electric blankets due to the prolonged cold weather , we are at present out of stock of the make you wish to order .


  7. The walking electric blankets are dressed in special all-in-one sleeper suits and are sent to warm the beds of guests staying at the Holiday Inn before they get under the covers .


  8. Currently , central heating is only available in some affluent communities , while the majority uses air conditioners , electric heaters and blankets , coal stoves , and charcoal for heat .


  9. They found out that there is an electric heater and some blankets down in the bunker where Jimmy Lee Dykes is holding the five-year-old boy .


  10. Electric field lowered to less than 100 V / m for the electric blankets with such design from 1kV / m , and magnetic field to less than 0.08 μ T from 1 μ T .
