element of surprise

美 [ˈelɪmənt əv sərˈpraɪz]英 [ˈelɪmənt ɒv səˈpraɪz]
  • 几分惊奇
element of surpriseelement of surprise
  1. A successful campaign should have an element of surprise .


  2. We need to preserve the element of surprise .


  3. The element of surprise is used as much as possible .


  4. The element of surprise could be one of our best weapons .


  5. The bank also has the element of surprise .


  6. The only advantage we had was the element of surprise .


  7. I give us the element of surprise .


  8. Lieutenant , our strategy shall be the element of surprise .


  9. In order to achieve that element of surprise you have to set up expectation .


  10. You need an element of surprise or adventure periodically in your life .


  11. And remember , do not undervalue the element of surprise .


  12. If you want to attack the enemy , it 's important to retain an element of surprise .


  13. We wanted to create an element of surprise and a sense of fun in the way we engaged with the public .


  14. It was the German tanks , planes , and tactics that provided the element of surprise which brought our leaders to their present plight .


  15. This is not , as some people think , because the British are too dull to think of anything else to talk about , but because there is always an element of surprise in the British climate .


  16. You need an element of surprise and adventure , whether that be as simple as a trip to go skiing in the mountains or to listen to music with unusual rhythms or a free-spirited quality .


  17. While grabbing a snack in the cafeteria he bumped into a fellow ambassador who complimented him for maintaining the element of surprise until the President was ready to break the big news .


  18. After much deliberation , the men took a vote and decided to pin our last hopes on a suicide mission , guessing that the element of surprise might be just the thing to offset Arroyo 's superior forces .


  19. So , to offer some element of surprise , retailers are now working directly with labels to produce one-off capsules and collaborations that sit outside the main seasonal calendar and are unseen anywhere until they arrive in store .


  20. When a director 's style remains entirely consistent with each successive film , it 's only natural that you might get bored . Shots , stories and setups become predictable , and audiences eventually move on to something more likely to offer the element of surprise .
